Secession is the order of the day, and as soon as South Carolina goes out of the Union, ripping up the Confederacy, there will be an admirable opportunity to redress grievances. Crawford County will at once secede from Ohio, establish a Government of her own, and proudly take her place among the nations of the earth. We have too long submitted to the imperious dictates of a tyran[n]ical government, and gladly will our chivalrous high-minded, high-toned, hi-falutin citizens seize this glorious opportunity of rending the chains from their limbs, hurling them in the face of their foes, and renouncing all allegiance to a government they hate, and a people they despise. Our whole history has been one of aggression on the part of the State.
It refused to locate the Capitol at Bucyrus, to the great detriment of our real estate owners.
It refused to gravel the streets of Bucyrus, or even re-lay the plank road.
It refused to locate the Penitentiary at Bucyrus, notwithstanding we do as much towards filling it as any other county.
It refused to locate the State Fair at Bucyrus, thus blighting the hopes of our free, independent and patriotic pea-nut venders.
It located the Ohio Canal one hundred miles east of Bucyrus.
We have never had a Governor, notwithstanding we have any number of men as much superior to the hoary old dotard (Dennison is neither old nor grey, but will be when he hears from Crawford) who now fills that post, as the bright, refulgent sun is to a tallow candle.
ditto ditto ditto, as to U. S. Senator.
It has enticed our citizens away, by making them Supreme judges as soon as they get out of the county (Judge Scott).
It has compelled us to pay, year after year, our share of the state taxes. It put us in the same Congressional district with Ottowa County. No citizen of the county has ever been appointed to any place where theft is possible, thus wilfully keeping capital out of the county.
It selected Seneca County men for two terms, for State Treasurer, thus making sure of having the Treasury cleaned out.
It has stigmatised our county as the “mud county.”
It refused to pay our railroad subscription, and has never offered to slackwater the Sandusky river.
These are but a very few of the grievances we have submitted to. We could stretch out the list indefinitely, but these are sufficient. We will not longer submit. The storm is rising. Companies of two-forty men are being organized in every township. Our representatives have agreed to resign—next March. The independent flag—musk-rat rampant, weasel couchant, on a field d’egg shell—floats from poles on every corner. Cut off from the state, direct trade with Indiana follows—released, from indebtedness to Cincinnati and Cleveland, our merchants will again lift their heads. We are in earnest. Armed with justice and shawl-pins, we bid the hireling tools of a despotic government, defiance.
P. S.—The feeling is intense, extending even to the children. A boy just passed our office, displaying the secession flag. It waved from behind. Disdaining concealment the noble, lion-hearted boy wore a roundabout. We are firm.
N. B.—We are still firm.
N. B. 2d.—We are calm, firm, unyielding.
LATER.—A farmer from the western part of the county came in to-day to get his gun fixed. Tremble, ye Columbusers. We are firm.