It is a great mistake, in our judgment, to inculcate anything like purposes of revenge in the present war. It was undertaken for no such purposes. Reluctantly men accepted it as a fact—as a terrible thing, but yet not so bad as anarchy and loss of national power and life, which lay beyond it. The moment the rebellion is put down all right feeling men will say the object of the war is accomplished, and will demand that not one blow more be struck. Nations of enlightened character do not undertake wars for revenge, and we are always pained to read, even in the midst of hostilities, of acts taking their origin in revenge. We want to do our duty as patriotic men and that is all. The events of war are not to be predicted, but they are most apt to partake less of savagery, and more directly conduce to desired results, when men are not led aside from objects originally commendable, to avenge abuses, or riot in conquest. Most especially are there peculiar reasons for continence and discretion with people who, when the war is ended, we hope to meet again as our fellow countrymen.