No one possessed of a single sentiment of humanity, can read the malignant, bloodthirsty tirades which appear, from day to day, in the columns of some of the republican journals of this city, without being filled with horror and disgust. The people of the North, are a unit, in their determination to make any sacrifice of men and money, for the sake of restoring the unity and integrity of the republic. To accomplish this object, prompt and vigorous measures are expected from the government, and that the war which has begun, shall be carried on with energy, until rebellion has been crushed out wherever it exists. The wishes of the terrorist newspapers do not, however, end in this. They express a vindictive malice, and revengeful cruelty, which exhaust the whole vocabulary of execration and menace. The daily calls for carnage, during the French Revolution, by Marat, in the Ami du Peuple, were not more savage and brutal in their spirit, than many articles that have recently appeared in the portion of the press we refer to.
The charitable aspirations of one of our abolitionist contemporaries, broke forth, days ago; in the words:—”When the rebellious traitors are overwhelmed in the field, and scattered like leaves before an angry wind, it must not be to return to peaceful and contented homes. They must find poverty at their firesides, and see privation in the anxious eyes of mothers, and the rags of children.” Another paper calls, virtually, for the punishment of all individuals at the South, by hanging, and the confiscation of everybody’s property in the seceding States. “Richmond,” says another, “must be laid in ashes;” and as for Baltimore, “it must become a heap of cinders and ashes,” and its inhabitants ought either to be slaughtered, or scattered to the winds, on account of the mob ascendancy that recently prevailed there. Virginia and Maryland deserve to be “laid waste and made desolate,” and “five hundred thousand troops” should “pour down from the North,” “leaving a desert track behind them,” to avenge the injured majesty of the Marats and Robespierres of the press. Submission on the part of the South, would not satisfy these bloody journalists of the republican party. Far from it. They cry out; “We mean not merely to conquer, but to subjugate.”
The people of the North are prepared for no such extremities as the brutal, bloodthirsty journals of the abolitionist school suggest. They have not entered into a conflict with the South, to humiliate and subdue the loyal people there, but to preserve the unity and integrity of the republic against all traitors. Ideas of revenge, carnage, massacres, reducing towns to ashes, and populations to poverty, have not entered into their calculations, excepting so far as resistance may necessitate such horrors. The wealth and strength of the loyal States of the Union, have been placed at the disposal of the government, not for purposes of subjugation, but to overawe rebels, wherever they may show themselves, and to restore the republic to its pristine grandeur and integrity. “We are not enemies,” exclaimed the President in his inaugural, addressing the people of the South, “but friends. We must not be enemies. The government will not assail you. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.” Mr. Lincoln then hoped that the seceding States would return to their allegiance. If they failed to do so, he said:—”The power confided to me, will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the government, and collect the duties and imposts; but, beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion—no using of force against or among the people anywhere.” In one word, it was his intention, and it is still the purpose of the administration, to regard loyal citizens of the United States everywhere, as brothers, and to confine hostile action within the bounds necessary to restore national unity and secure obedience to the laws, in opposition to the traitors with arms in their hands.
The immense display of strength which is being made by the federal authorities; the vast armies that are being brought into the field; and the blockade of the Southern coast which is about to be enforced, are consistent with and even demanded by humanity as well as patriotism. They will insure, with proper leadership a brief duration of hostilities, and a speedy return of peace. With submission, however, on the part of those who have rebelled against the government, and withdrawn the allegiance which is due to it, the utmost magnanimity should prevail, and the rights which the constitution secures to loyal citizens of the South as well as the North should be amply guaranteed. The war in the United States is directed against no foreign foe; but every drop of blood that is shed should be contemplated with regret and sorrow, and such brutal feelings as some of the republican journals of this city would inculcate, should be banished from every mind.