The people of the Northern States are slow to anger. Their blood moves tardily, but we begin to see indications that it is warming up under the influence of Southern depredations upon the Constitution and the integrity of the Union. The course pursued by South Carolina against the flag of the United States, the seizing of the forts—the running up of piratical colors in place of the stars and stripes—the assuming of federal powers over the port by the rebels—the obstruction of the harbor—the erection of fortifications to be brought to bear upon the federal troops and forts—the imbecility of the President, and a sense of deep wrong to the Constitution and the Union, all conspire to awaken the people of the North to a sense of duty and danger. We have no hope left of any conciliatory measures which will avert the impending calamities. South Carolina has gone too far to recede. She rushes madly into the vortex of her own destruction. She defies the federal power—insults the federal flag—seizes the federal forts—turns their guns upon federal troops,—and is guilty of acts which are alike injurious and insulting to the United States. This the people of the North, who are devoted to the Constitution and the laws, and have lived for the Union in the midst of evil as well as good report, have borne, until forbearance has ceased to be a virtue. These insults to the flag of our country will not be brooked for any length of time. These defiant threats of haughty Southrons against Northern prowess, begin to take effect upon Northern blood. The North—the Northeast—and the Northwest have stood calmly and witnessed these assaults upon the integrity of the Nation, until the fires of ’76 begin to be relighted in New England hearts, and the love of country and pride of nation excites men of the North and Northwest to stern determinations and a desire for action in rebuke and punishment of these overt acts of treason. Not one man in fifty now will stop to reflect upon a plan of compromise or pacification. Almost every man feels that his country and its institutions have been wronged—that treason is abroad, and that no alternative remains, but for men of courage and patriotism to meet force with force until this question shall be settled effectually, and in a manner that shall leave the bond of union in the States unbroken.
Men may talk and bluster of breaking up this Union, but it cannot be done. South Carolina may pass ordinances of secession, and assume a hostile attitude towards the federal government—her ragged battalions may erect fortifications, and the General QUATTLEBUMS of the South, covered with gold lace and feathers, may inveigh against the federal power, but all these things must be answered for to the people of the North who stand inflexibly by the Union. There is no escaping condign punishment in the end. The time will come when bluster will be of little avail and menaces will be laughed at. Then the mighty hosts of the far North will sweep over the region of Slavery with a power that cannot be resisted. We have the resources, physical and financial, to preserve this government, and under the blessings of a just God it will be preserved against treason and rebellion. When this blow is struck, and blood is shed, we can place the date of the beginning of the end of slavery on this continent. That institution can never survive a collision of States. It must fall as assuredly as that God is just. Its friends and defenders should know and consider this well, before they push the issue to extremity.
The present attitude of affairs in South Carolina has a warlike tendency at the North. No war has ever yet broken out on this continent in which Northern blood has not mingled, and when we find our troops menaced with danger from rebels, there is a strong feeling here which looks to their relief. In this connection we expect daily to see recruiting stations opened in our city, under the stripes and stars, for volunteers to defend the government against treason. The men are ready—and twenty days may find a regiment of one thousand men ready to march from this city southward in defence of the Constitution and the Union.