We are informed that the Montgomery Convention, Congress, conclave, cabal, or what not, have adopted something which secures the free navigation of the Mississippi. According to our notions the treaty of cession by which Louisiana Territory was purchased from France, together with the Constitution of the United States, have already secured that boon. Nothing which these two instruments fail to secure in that regard, will ever be sought by the Northwest through any other paper guarantees. But there is a question yet unanswered by the Montgomery cabal, and that relates to the manner of discharging and receiving cargoes at New Orleans. The free navigation of the Mississippi is a sham, if every pound of flour and meat which seeks an outlet through the Gulf of Mexico is required to pass through Custom House and pay duties at New Orleans—if every invoice of foreign goods is subjected to the same courtesy before passing onward to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Galena and St. Paul. The main object had in view by the United States Government in purchasing Louisiana, was to secure that important depot of transhipment. Under the law of nations, all States inhabiting a navigable stream are entitled to the right of free transit from its source to its mouth. But they are not entitled to the important privilege of holding a city in foreign territory wherein they may unload and reload. This is the point. Let us hear a word or two in explanation before we are treated to any more chaff about the free navigation of the Mississippi—as though that were something of the utmost consequence in itself considered.
The Montgomery men need not, however, cudgel their brains very much about it. The free navigation of the Mississippi will never become the subject of treaty between the people of the Northwest and any other people whatsoever. It will never be accepted as a gratuity. It is their right, and they will assert it to the extremity of blotting Louisiana out of the map. “You may overrun us, you may exterminate us, but you can never subdue us,” said Mr. Benjamin when he vacated his seat in the Senate and announced the departure of Louisiana from the Union which bought her from France. Very well! This overrunning and exterminating may be a shocking thing, but if it becomes necessary to put an entirely new race of men in possession of Louisiana, to secure the great national right for which Louisiana was first obtained, the thing will be done. Call it by what name you choose; it will be done. Said Mr. Clay in 1850: “I hope there is no one here before whose imagination is flitting the idea of a great Southern Confederacy to take possession of the Balize and the mouth of the Mississippi. I say in my place, never, never, never, shall we who occupy the broad waters of the Mississippi and its upper tributaries, consent that any foreign flag shall float at the Balize or upon the turrets of the Crescent City—NEVER, NEVER.[“] So says the Northwest to-day.