The South having taken up the sword against the Government, let the rebellious spirit be subdued by the sword. If such is the condition of our country, that the knife is necessary, let it be used, deeply and effectually, to the very root of the disease. There must be no half way work—whatever is done must be done with a full determination to wipe out forever the cause of complaint, which has for years so desturbed the quiet of the country, as to engender sectional jealousies and national discord. We have urged compromises and concessions for the sake of peace—but peace has not followed. We have vindicated the South from sectional aspersion, because of our love for the whole country—but our fraternal appeals have been derided as the offspring of cowardice or avarice. We have supported every measure urged by Congress to quiet the expressed apprehensions of the South, often against our own ideas of justice and humanity, that the prosperity of the country might be ever cherished—hoping that lesser evils might be outgrown in the progress of the nation, but the spirit of jealousy and hatred had taken root, and inflamed too hotly the blood of our Southern brethren for our counsel to be received in the spirit in which it was offered. Our appeals and concessions have brought no good in return—ill-feeling that at first found utterance in complaint, now seeks redress in the overthrow of the Government. Like a malignant disease, it refuses to yield to anything short of the knife, and the remedy now must be as desperate as the disease. There is to be no more trifling, or we shall lose all. There may be a dismemberment—perhaps it is necessary that there should be, but the power and vitality of the system must be vindicated. We must show the strength of the government in the unity of the people, and command respect by showing our ability to maintain the honor of the nation against all assailants, coming from what source they may. We regret the course of the southern states, but it is of their own choosing, and they must bide the consequences. They have raised the arm of rebellion—let the blow fall upon those who have aimed at the liberties of the people. We can no longer distinguish between enemies, but regard all as such who refuse obedience to the constitution and laws; if there is a difference, more cursed is he who, knowing the value of liberty strikes it clown. Let such perish by the sword. The south must be made to respect the general government, and learn from northern arms that a people devoted to the peaceful pursuits of life are capable of vindicating their honor and protecting their government against aggression, come from what source it may. This war must cease only when northern arms have conquered peace, a peace that will forever after command respect. If we submit to less, we shall fail of securing that which is necessary to ensure future quiet and freedom from annoyance and unreasonable demands. Let our arms now tell, and let peace follow only when we have shown to the world that the American people are true to their motto—”Liberty or Death.” Life would be a poor heritage, if transmitted to our children without liberty. Let our enemies perish by the sword.