During the agitation which has been apparent for the past four months, as a general thing, our newspaper press have been true to their country, its constitution and its laws. We regret to say, however, that there have been some glaring exceptions to this remark. Some newspapers, like the traitor Thompson, have not hesitated to offer aid and comfort to the revolutionary disorganizers of the South, who have seized upon the public treasure, and appropriated the public property.
Of this class of newspapers, we are happy to say, the list is but small, and we doubt not an indignant public will soon make it still smaller.—We are rather in doubt as to whom belongs the foremost station among this band of Judases of the press. Whether the verbose treachery of the Journal of Commerce, whose columns daily teem with abuse of the government which gave it support and sustenance; or the ferocious malignancy of the Robespierre of the N. Y. Express; or the flippant abuse of the Robert Macaire of the Herald; or the puling minauderies of the Day Book; a paper, we believe, printed wholly for Southern circulation. Each of these prints have labored, in their own peculiar way, and we think very successfully, in their efforts to “damn themselves to everlasting fame,” in a manner which will long be recollected. Let the high-handed and unlawful attempt of the Southern revolutionists terminate as it may, it will long be remembered by posterity, that in this enlightened age public newspapers were to be found ready to apologize for treason, robbery, and all the minor crimes which are sure to follow in such a train. Journals who could exult in the supposed falling fortunes of this glorious Union,—editors who, instead of speaking words of peace, were continually inciting their misled southern brethren to further acts of rapine and violence. Even up to the present time, the Journal of Commerce and the N. Y. Express, abound in gibes and sarcasms upon the present administration—no taunt seems too bitter—no sarcasm seems too malicious.
Whether the Southern circulation of these prints will prove profitable enough to enable them to brave the obloquy and scorn of their indignant fellow citizens time alone will determine, but we believe an indignant and outraged public will long remember the Benedict Arnolds of the press, and they will find after all that the way of the transgressor is hard. From the Herald, and the minor lights the Day Book and The News, we of course had nothing better to expect; having no reputation to lose it was a matter of perfect indifference, as long as the bread and butter question was satisfactorily solved. When we add to the list the Enquirer, at Cincinnati, we think we have made out the whole catalogue of mendacious prints, whose main object seemed to be to exult in the ruin of our loved country.