The action of the House will not be lost upon the country or its future. Instead of weakening the Union, it will strengthen it; instead of consolidating the South, it will divide it. An end will come to disorganizers in and out of the House, and that end will be peace to the Republic , after awhile. Let us, with this view, glance at some important facts.

First, the Republicans have wasted no time in talk. “Let us organize and go to work,” said and say they; “we are for the whole country, and, under the Constitution, will look to its business, and do it as it should be done. We are no agitators—we are law abiding.”

Second, the disunionists and disorganizers are of and from the South, and these men—a large body—declare frankly their object.—”We will perpetuate the discord,” said and say they—”we will stay as we are till ’61.—We will not submit to Republican rule.”

To all this, the Republicans make no reply in words. “Let us vote—let us act,” is their motto. And it is a good one—the best they can follow—for, if Sherman should be elected Speaker, as we believe he will be this or next week, the fire-eaters will submit, get their pay, and everything will go on as usual.

The first test will be on the plurality rule. Indirectly, it has been voted down by two majority. But this, on the part of some six members, meant to declare, and did declare only, that they were not ready yet for an organization. This time is rapidly nearing, in our belief. We should not be surprised, indeed, to hear any hour of any day this week, that Sherman was elected and the House organized.

As it is, the country is patient. It sees, knows, and understands who are the disorganizers and what they are after, and it will remember them in the Presidential contest with a withering rebuke.