Judgement stands confessed. The National Democratic Convention at Charleston is a failure. Virtually, it is a break up—and, unless breaches now wide can be bridged over, we do not see what good can be gained by the change of time or place to the Democracy.

This fact is clear. The elements composing the so-called Democratic party are hostile. Leaders of each wing hate each other, and the masses of each distrust and oppose their leaders. There is no union. Nothing in common exists between the belligerent factions of the Democracy, and nothing can unite them save office and its spoil.

To our thinking, Douglas was foremost among the Democratic aspirants and masses. He stood so with the people, on his side, and he was so, with the fearless men among that class called leaders in the South. The caucus however throttled him. The few who rule that in the South manacled the popular will and crushed it.

But, if the telegraph report be correct, his defeat at Charleston was the fault of Douglas’ friends. They had the power. They were the majority. They had the Convention in their grasp, and could have wielded it ; but they lost or yielded it without cause, and, as it seems to us, against every reason which should make men firm, or the action of men manly.

Yet we have results only, and we say no more at present. Full details will come to us soon, and then we can judge cooly and correctly of the action of the Charleston Convention. We shall wait, as our readers will, for these details.