This is part of the Training Teachers to Teach History in K-12 Schools project.
History–Social Sciences Teaching Methodology II, 390, Spring 2003
Professional Development Semester
Instructor: Dr. Frederick D. Drake
Department of History at Illinois State Univ.
Bowen High School in Chicago, Illinois (BOWEN)
Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, Illinois (GBS)
Kelvyn Park High School in Chicago, Illinois (KP)
Lincoln-Way East High School, Frankfort, Illinois (LWE)
Lincoln-Way Central High School, New Lenox, Illinois (LWC)
Bloomington High School in Bloomington, Illinois (BHS)
Normal Community High School in Normal, Illinois (NCHS)
Normal Community West High School in Normal, Illinois (NWHS)
Olympia High School in Stanford, Illinois (OLYM)
Pekin High School in Pekin, Illinois (PKN)
Professional Development School Sites and Meeting Dates
The Beginning of the Professional Development Semester
During the spring of 2003 you will be involved in a Professional Development Semester. The Professional Development Semester includes work with me in HIS & SOC SCI 390, which will be held at a PDS site; work with a mentor/field faculty member at a PDS site; and student teaching with a cooperating teacher (and supervised by your university supervisor) at your student teaching site. History and Social Sciences Methods II, 390, will meet at Professional Development School sites during the first six weeks of the fall 2001 semester. Normally, you will meet two times a week, one time with a mentor/field faculty member and the other time with me. HIS & SOC SCI 390 begins during the first week of the spring 2002 semester and continues during your student teaching experience. The normal schedule for 390 will be as follows:
1. Class Days
If you live in the Chicago metropolitan area you will be in HIS & SOC SCI 390 with me and faculty members from one of our PDSs each Wednesday, beginning on Wednesday, January 15. If you live in central Illinois area you will be in 390 with me each Thursday, beginning on January 16 (See attached schedule). Your student teaching experience is from February 24 through May 8 with a class session concluding the Professional Development Semester on May 9.
2. Mentor Days
If you are student teaching in the Chicago metropolitan area or in Central Illinois, you will meet four times—January 21, 28, 29, and 30—with your mentor at one of our ten Partnership School sites. You know your mentor from the previous semester when you met at least two times in November. During the above four dates you will have an opportunity to continue your relationship. You and your Mentor may alter these days as long as the change does not interfere with 390. You may add more days than the four days that are required.
HIS & SOC SCI 390 Class Days (Wednesdays or Thursdays) are designed to remind you of what you have learned in previous methods classes, and the HIS & SOC SCI 390 Class Days will add new ideas and strategies toward your preparation as a teacher in history and the social sciences. For example, during the first class of 390 you will be asked to create a lesson designed around one of five models of teaching. These models should be familiar to you from your 290 class or previous C & I classes. In addition, you will be asked to identify First-/Second-/and Third-Order documents that you will use in a unit plan. The conceptualization of First-/Second-/and Third-Order documents is new. I created this concept four years ago. This last year I shared this conceptual approach to teaching primary sources with my colleagues in 290 and they may have used it with you. This approach has been successful with many veteran and new teachers. So, it should add to your repertoire of teaching and, most importantly, help you become more thoughtful in preparing to teach critical thinking and historical thinking. Your Mentor/Field Faculty Days are designed to give you experience with a PDS teacher in his or her class and to practice some teaching before beginning your student teaching experience.
History–Social Science Teaching Methodology II, 390, is the last in the sequence of experiences at Illinois State University for prospective history and social science student teachers. As such, this course is the culmination of your work over the past several years in preparation for the teaching profession. History–Social Science Teaching Methodology II (HIS & SOC SCI 390) links philosophical and theoretical perspectives with practical methodology to help you in your student teaching experience and in your teaching career. Your experiences with a mentor at one of our Professional Development Schools facilitate your knowledge, disposition, and performance for a teaching career in history and the social sciences.
The theme of HIS &SOC SCI 390 is practicing the democratic ideal. To facilitate the link between theory and practitioner, the History and Social Science Education program at Illinois State University has initiated a Professional Development Semester. Of fundamental importance to your semester experience is the HIS & SOC SCI 390 experience you will have with the faculty and mentors at the nine Partnership and Mentoring Sites (Professional Development School, PDS sites). Two questions might guide you in your thinking. Firstwhat content is most important in teaching? Second, how do you help your students think critically and historically?
Among several requirements for the HIS &SOC SCI 390 Methods course, five components distinguish this course from HIS &SOC SCI 290 and your other teaching methods courses in the College of Education. In HIS &SOC SCI 390 you will create a unit plan of six to nine lessons that includes a Unit Plan Matrix; you will devise a way to foster deliberative discussions in your teaching through First-Order and Second-Order documents; you will design performance assessment activities with an accompanying rubric; you will devise strategies for classroom management; and you will create a Summative (complete) Teaching Portfolio. As we discuss these requirements, as well as others, you will have an opportunity to observe and discuss with your mentor how various ideas of teaching are put into practice.
At the Partnership School sites you will observe your mentor; plan with your mentor the responsibilities you will have with him or her; find sources that can be used for lessons in your mentor’s class; assist your mentor in group activities and in grading; and, to some extent, teach portions of a lesson in your mentor’s class. The opportunity to reflect upon your teaching practices and your mentor’s teaching practices will add to your understanding of teaching and learning as you embark on your student teaching experience and professional career. In addition, while all schools share a school culture you will have an opportunity to observe and experience the nuances in each school that distinguishes it from others.
HIS & SOC SCI 390 will strive to foster both the content knowledge you have learned in the Department of History and the various disciplines in the Social Sciences, as well as in other university departments, and the learning theories and general teaching methods that you have learned and thought about in the College of Education. HIS & SOC SCI 390 contributes to this knowledge base and the numerous important skills deemed necessary for teachers of history and the social sciences. Upon completion of this course you should be prepared to take over the responsibilities of a first-year teacher.
HIS & SOC SCI 390 encourages you to draw upon theories of learning and to help you become a reflective practitioner in your student teaching and in your professional career. This course encourages you to think about theory and practice. It helps you think about traditions of reflective practice in history and the social sciences and to differentiate distinct levels of reflective practice. This course calls upon you to think and reflect upon what you are teaching, how to employ a variety of sources, and to think about your teaching methods as you facilitate your students’ learning of history and the social sciences. The seminars that are held during your student teaching experience are designed to formalize the process of reflective practice. In this sense, HIS & SOC SCI 390 does not conclude when student teaching begins. HIS & SOC SCI 390 is ongoing throughout the Professional Development Semester. (And I hope you will continue to communicate with me about your professional development long after you have begun your first teaching position.)
HIS & SOC SCI 390 encourages you to use a variety of sources in your teaching and to create or “construct” what you teach. At a minimum, reflective practice requires you to pull together the basic tenets of learning theories and to select appropriate teaching strategies that are well suited for the content. You should know and understand how and why you are teaching a specific lesson, unit of instruction, or course of study in a particular way. In an important sense, it is the preparation you have gained from learning theories, your knowledge of the content within the disciplines, and your use of a variety of sources to stimulate student thinking that distinguishes you from lay persons who oftentimes believe that effective teaching “just happens” and that they can be as successful as you.
Some methods students assume that this course will finally answer all of their questions and relieve them of all their anxieties about teaching. No course is capable of such expectations. If you have anxieties, however, you are probably not alone. When student teachers begin their internship, they often ask three questions: How am I doing? How can I survive? How can I become better? These questions are typical for practicing teachers to ask, and they are questions that beginning teachers and veterans ask as well. Although it is ultimately your responsibility—during student teaching and in your later professional life—to put the knowledge and perspectives that you have gained over the last few years into actual operation, our History and Social Science Education program is confident that your course work at Illinois State University and your clinical experiences have adequately prepared you for student teaching and a teaching career. HIST & SOC SCI 390 will add to the dimensions of your knowledge, disposition, and skills that are requisite for a successful student teaching experience and professional career.
As you student teach and begin your teaching career you will experience growth as a student of the academic disciplines, in your teaching skills, and as a person. Strive toward growth in these three dimensions of your teaching experience.
Course Objectives and Related Activities
- To demonstrate practice of the democratic ideal in teaching and learning.
- To stimulate ideas for student teaching.
- To set and meet professional goals.
- To discuss current issues in history and social science education.
- To work competently and effectively with a mentor/field faculty member at a PDS.
- To construct a unit plan that coincides with the student teaching experience and draws from a varietyof sources including technology.
- To incorporate a model of organizing questions for classroom deliberative and evaluative discussions.
- To incorporate a model of lecturing for classroom purposes.
- To develop strategies for alternative assessment as a way of invigorating one’s own classroom
instruction. - To demonstrate competency in technology and incorporate technology in teaching practices.
- To write a cover letter, prepare a resume for a job interview, and to establish contact with the Career Placement Office.
- To describe characteristics of excellent teaching and analyze proposed solutions for improving education relative to theory and practice.
- To develop a teaching portfolio, which will be completed during the professional development semester.
- To report on the student teaching experience during three seminars and during an exit interview.
Class Sessions
Before coming to your first HIST & SOC SCI 390 class you should be prepared to identify a unit that you plan to teach during student teaching. As you read through this syllabus and the attached schedule, please note that we will encounter a number of important topics—planning a unit, teaching with Vital Themes and Narratives and Habits of Mind, writing objectives and outcomes, leading deliberative and evaluative discussions, giving a good lecture, assessing student learning, integrating assessment strategies with instructional activities, developing classroom management and discipline strategies, and incorporating technology into your teaching strategies—which are practical in nature and are related to experiences you will have during your student teaching experience. Most importantly, we will involve you with PDS faculty and their students at the PDS site. In this sense, our course has several practical components—all grounded in theory—designed to prepare you for student teaching and your professional career.
The format for class sessions includes lectures, discussions, special guest presentations, simulations, and preparation of materials. The format is designed to promote an exchange of informed opinion in extended class sessions. (See the Class Meeting Schedule for the dates when your PDS 390 class will meet.) Class sessions will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. (Central Illinois) or 10:00 a.m. (Chicago area), unless otherwise indicated, and should conclude at 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m., respectively. Because you are professionals, the length of class sessions may be extended as necessary. It is your responsibility to adjust to any extensions. The Course Schedule at the end of this syllabus provides an outline of class sessions and individual topics. Refer to the Course Schedule for topics that will be discussed or presented each day the class meets. Consult materials in the PIP Packet as you prepare for class sessions.
Class Day Assignments: There are at least six assignments in HIS & SOC SCI 390: identifying and describing First-/Second-/and Third-Order documents with a rationale for First-Order and Second-Order documents; teaching and assessing the 10 NCSS themes; creating a Unit Plan with a an introduction, unit plan matrix, thoroughly developed lesson plans, performance assessments and an accompanying rubric; writing a summary of a professional conference; rewriting your teaching philosophy statement; and creating a Summative Teaching Portfolio. Additional assignments may occur as the course progresses.
Assessment of your assignments will be based on your knowledge, reasoning, and communication skills. It is important that you demonstrate what you know and that your knowledge has a degree of sophistication. It is also important that your thinking is logical and orderly. Make sure you communicate clearly and abide by performance conventions. Proofread your work carefully so that your knowledge and reasoning abilities do not suffer from distractions.
Assignment 1: Your creation of a Rationale for First-/ Second-/and Third-Order documents is due the third class day. [100 Points] The date is February 5 if you are in the Chicago section and February 6 if you are in the Central Illinois section. You should identify and provide a copy of the seminal document for your unit of study. This First-Order document is absolutely essential to your teaching and should be accompanied with a rationale explaining why it is the core document. The First-Order document may be a textual document or an image. In addition, you are to identify two or three Second-Order documents. These documents (which may be textual or image) challenge or corroborate the central idea of the First-Order document. You should identify and provide copies of the Second-Order documents and explain how they contrast or support your First-order document. Third-Order documents are documents you believe your students will find as they inquire and make connections to the primary sources you have used as a foundation for the unit of study. You do not need to provide these documents on paper. Instead, you are to make a list of these potential documents that extend your students’ thinking. The list of potential documents should number from five to ten documents. When you present the documents they should be presented as if they are to be used in class; that is, documents should be clean of photocopied markings (black edge marks) and they should be edited (if editing is needed).
This assignment is due on February 5 (Chicago section) and February 6 (Central Illinois section). If it is not submitted on the date due (unless unforeseen inclement weather), the highest grade you can receive is a C, if you make-up the work and your work is the highest quality work. The assignment is due in class. If you forget to bring the assignment to class, you will receive a C as the highest possible grade. There are no exceptions. A grade of “C” will be the result if you do not bring the completed assignment to class.
Assignment 2: You will be assessed in your abilities to teach and assess the 10 NCSS themes during your mentoring and student teaching experiences. You will initiate your teaching and assessing the ten NCSS themes during your mentoring experience at one of our ten Partnership and Mentoring School sites. Your mentor will assess your teaching and assessing skills as will I. I have sent each mentor a rubric for each of the 10 themes. I will share with you the rubrics in class. The rubrics are three-dimensional, analytic rubrics that assess your knowledge, reasoning, and ability to communicate. Over the course of the Professional Development Semester you will teach and assess each NCSS theme three times. You will create lessons and strategies to assess your students’ knowledge and understanding of the 10 NCSS themes during the mentoring and student teaching experiences. You will receive several forms to complete during this process. The forms include permission forms to assess students; rubrics for the 10 NCSS themes; and a NCSS Standards Theme grid.
Assignment 3: The Unit Plan [600 Points] is due on the sixth Class Day (March 17 in both the Chicago and Central Illinois sections). Unit planning is important in teaching and learning. You should make two copies of your Unit Plan. I advise that you make a copy for yourself as well as one for me to assess in case you will be using your Unit Plan during student teaching while I am assessing it.
Writing unit plans is part of all courses that are offered at schools. Unit plans are not a chapter in a textbook. They entail more than identifying chapters and the various sections of chapters. Successful unit plans require organization, thinking, and planning. For our purposes, Unit Plans should consist of six to nine lessons organized around a theme or concept. The Unit Plan should also include multiple forms of assessment. All Unit Plans must have an objective test for the unit of study and alternative methods of assessment with a rubric (which is not a checklist). All lessons in the Unit Plan are to follow the 290 and 390 format; that is, you should employ History’s Vital Themes and Narratives and Habits of Mind and refer to one of the 10 NCSS themes. All Unit Plans must include a Unit Plan Matrix, which is in your PIP Packet, and which I can send you via an e-mail attachment and/or a floppy disk.
The Unit Matrix is a retrieval chart that helps you visually pull together your Unit Plan. It helps you and others who examine your Unit Plan (potential departments chairs when you interview for a teaching position) visually recognize whether or not you are using multiple sources in your lessons, if you are overemphasizing certain kinds of sources, and if you are leaving out sources and materials that should be included. For example, you may have many written sources in your lessons; however, you may not have included photographs, maps, graphs, or charts.
Unit Plans often vary in length. For our course, this Unit Plan should be designed for an approximate two-week time period. It should consist of six to nine lessons and various forms of assessment. When you complete your Unit Plan you should submit the following:
- a Title Page for the unit with unit title, your name, course in which the unit plan will be taught. [10 Points]
- a single-spaced summary (at least one page) explaining the importance of the unit and its place in the curriculum (what unit came before and what unit will follow). The summary should include your rationale for First-/Second-/and Third-Order documents in your Unit Plan. [100 Points]
- goals and objectives for the Unit. [70 Points]
- a matrix referencing lessons and Vital Themes & Narratives, Habits of Mind, Critical Thinking Skills, Themes of the National Council for the Social Studies, State Learning Objectives, as well as such varieties of primary sources as poems, pictures, political cartoons, diaries, letters, maps, charts and graphs, and other documents. [70 Points]
- six to nine lesson plans with lesson plans fully developed and including all supporting sources such as maps, charts and graphs, pictures, as listed above, and analysis guides. All supporting sources must look professional, that is you should remove all black markings and extraneous writings when copying sources. [200 Points]
- a unit test with at least two objective questions that are based on political cartoons, a chart or graph, or short excerpt from a primary source. [50 Points]
- performance assessment activities within lessons and a rubric (not a checklist) to assess student performance or a unit performance assessment activity with a rubric. [100 Points]
You should start on the Unit Plan immediately. A Unit Plan cannot be completed in a day or two. It takes time (sometimes weeks when you are completing a plan that looks professional, as you are endeavoring). Do not postpone this part of your professional development. Since you know your student teaching site, you should contact your classroom cooperating teacher early and obtain, if possible, an idea of what your course assignment(s) will be. It is advisable that you create a Unit Plan that coincides with your student teaching experience. Naturally, you may wish to draw from your cooperating teacher or from your mentor ideas, sources on creating a Unit Plan. Ultimately the writing of your Unit Plan, which puts into practice what you have learned from 290 and 390 (and your C & I courses), is your responsibility. The Unit Plan you create must follow the format indicated in this syllabus. School districts and cooperating teachers may have their formats indigenous to their school district or the university from which they graduated. Nevertheless, the format must follow the format for our History and Social Science Education program at Illinois State University. It is also your responsibility to coordinate the Unit Plan in HIS & SOC SCI 390 and a unit you will teach during student teaching.
Below are four general areas that are important in developing unit plans.
- Once you know what your course assignment is and how long it will be taught (for example, year, semester, quarter, or other time period) you have to make decisions about the content, themes, concepts, values, and skills you want your students to learn in the course. “What do I, the teacher, want my students to know from this course? How will this course affect student lives? Is this unit important in history or in the social sciences? How will I go about ensuring that this course is organized and that it ties together important content and skills? How will I assess what my students know, think, and are able to do?
- Within the time frame of the course, it is necessary to determine the units of instruction and to decide approximately how much time to give to each unit. You will need to give attention to the sequencing of learning experiences: Will the learning experiences be presented in chronological sequence? As selected themes? As problems-focused topics? As area studies? Or in some conceptual order? Most likely, your instruction will include combinations of these arrangements.
- You will also need to decide how you will carry out your instruction: Will you lecture? Lead deliberative and evaluative discussions? Involve students in problem-solving? Will you use cooperative learning? Will you use written primary sources? Pictures? Poems? Music? Tables and Graphs? Will you integrate literature into history and the social sciences? How will learning technologies be incorporated into your unit?
- The state of Illinois has developed learning standards for history and the social sciences: How will you make sure your students meet the standards of the social sciences in the state of Illinois? What are the outcomes you expect of your students? How will you assess what your students know and do? How will you integrate performance assessment and instructional activities?
Note: There are several parts comprising a unit plan. You must have all parts on the day the unit plan is due. For example, the unit plan matrix is worth 70 of the 600 points. You may have an excellent, flawless, superb, outstanding unit plan. If you do not submit a unit plan matrix, your grade (even if an excellent unit plan) will be 88% or B. If your unit plan is not so great, then your grade will diminish even more. There will be no exceptions. All parts of the unit plan must be submitted. You will not be able to make up the components of the unit plan.
Assignment 4: You are to summarize two of the sessions at the professional conference, Annual History and Social Science Symposium, on March 17. The summary (worth 20 points) should include the name of the presenter, title of the presentation, and a paragraph summarizing the content/main ideas of the presenter and how the content may influence your teaching (now and/or in the future: such comments as “I did not understand the presenter” or “The presenter rambled and never made a clear point” or “I had difficulty following the presenter” or “I do not plan on teaching U.S. history” will not be acceptable). Listen carefully to each presenter at the conference. Take notes, discuss the ideas with your colleagues, and ask questions. Then, write your two paragraphs on one page. The two paragraphs should be single-spaced. The summary is due on April 9 (if you are in the Chicago section) and April 10 (if you are in the Central Illinois section). A summary that is late will result in a “C” at best.
Assignment 5: You are to revise your Philosophy of Teaching Statement [100 Points]. The dues date is April 9 (if you are in the Chicago section) and April 10 (if you are in the Central Illinois section). When you entered our History and Social Science Education program you wrote an essay “Why I Want to Teach History or the Social Sciences.” You may draw from this. You have written an essay in 290 on Teaching to the Democratic Ideal. And in your C & I classes you may have written statements of philosophy. Draw upon all of these as well as what you learn from 390 and student teaching. This statement should be no less than one page single-spaced. Part of your statement will inform the reader of examples they will encounter in your summative teaching portfolio to illustrate what you think is important in the study if history and the social sciences and in teaching. Thus, the revision of your Philosophy of Teaching Statement serves as an important component of your growth as a reflective practitioner. It is a critical component of your Summative Teaching Portfolio. Do not write your reflective statement in the future tense. There will be some tips distributed to you during 390 that help you write your teaching statement and help you construct your teaching portfolio. A teaching statement that is late will result in a “C” at best.
Assignment 6: You are to create a Summative Teaching Portfolio [600 Points]. A description of a portfolio is in your PIP Packet and procedures to follow are provided in the reading. Some tips will be distributed to you during 390. Your Summative Teaching Portfolio is due during your Exit Interview, the last week of student teaching. Your portfolio will be returned to you on the last day of class, December 13.
Mentor/Field Faculty Days Assignments: Your mentor/field faculty member at the PDS will work with you on the days as indicated. Attendance will be taken, and your mentor will determine how well you assume responsibilities, complete assignments, and work cooperatively with the mentor and his or her high school students. During student teaching you are to communicate at least twice with your mentor. The mentor/field faculty member will assign you a grade.
Attire and Conduct: I write the following in regard to attire and conduct knowing full well almost everyone does not need a sermon on dress codes and behavior. You know what is expected. Nevertheless, keep the following in mind: When you are at a Partnership School site and at your student teaching site you represent yourself and the History and Social Science Education program at Illinois State University. We are guests and are able to be present at the Partnership School site because we have been invited. Be professional in your attire and in your conduct. You are expected to dress professionally during class days. Overly casual clothes will not be accepted, and you will be asked to leave the site. Similarly, you are expected to be courteous at all times to all personnel at the site. Be respectful and polite in hallways as well as in classrooms. If you are told to leave because of improper attire or conduct, you will not be allowed to continue in HIS & SOC SCI 390. Of course, that will then mean you will be withdrawn from student teaching as well. We are guests at a Partnership School sites as well as student teaching sites. It is much better to hear from teachers and administrators at the PDS Sites and at your student teaching site, “You do not have to wear a tie everyday” than to hear “When are you going to dress and act appropriately?” Once you have established yourself at your student teaching site, you can be a little less formal, if you prefer to fit in with faculty. However, at Partnership School sites, I expect all participants to show up as a group that distinguishes itself as a representative of our program and university.
Clinical Experiences
During HIS & SOC SCI 390 you will complete the final portion of the state requirement regarding clinical experiences. You will receive clinical hours for class days in 390 (28 clinical hours), since we will be in schools throughout the Chicago metropolitan area or in Central Illinois. You will also receive clinical hours for attending the Annual History and Social Sciences Symposium, March 17 (6 clinical hours). The meeting is mandatory. Make arrangements ahead of time with your cooperating teacher. Invite your cooperating teacher to the conference, which traditionally has had approximately 150 teachers attend.
HIS & SOC SCI 390 requires that you already have met the minimum GPA standard for the program as well as a passing score in all three areas of the PPST—requirements that all of you have met. You also need to have fulfilled requirements such as a speech check and a TB test before you can student teach. By the time you enroll in this course you should know your student teaching assignment, and you should have contacted your classroom cooperating teacher. For this semester you should have enrolled in both HIS & SOC SCI 390 (3 semester hours) and Student Teaching 399 (both sections 1 and 2 for a total of 10 semester hours). If you have not already registered for 390 and 399, you should contact Ms. Molly Munson, Dr. Ron Gifford, or Mr. Charles Ross immediately.
State of Illinois Certification Examination
You may have already passed the State of Illinois Certification Examination. I believe this is the last semester that allows you or any other student the opportunity to student teach without having first passed the examination. Anyway, make sure you are prepared to take the State of Illinois Teacher Certification Examination in history or the social sciences as well as the basic skills test, if you have not already done so. Passing this examination is not automatic. Make sure you are well versed in history or social sciences knowledge. You must pass this examination to become a certified teacher in Illinois. New certification requirements take effect in Illinois.
Teaching Portfolio and Exit Interviews
There are five gateways in the History and Social Sciences Education program. After you have completed HIS & SOC SCI 390 and completed student teaching, you will be ready for Gateway Four of the program (the fifth Gateway is for graduates). You will need to create a Summative Teaching Portfolio and bring it with you for examination during your Exit Interview. See the appropriate pages in the PIP Packet for a description of the Teaching Portfolio. You will receive a schedule for the Exit Interview during your student teaching experience. Generally, the Exit Interview occurs during the last week of student teaching and is from 30 to 60 minutes in length. The Exit Interview is intended to help you reflect on your experiences in the history and social sciences education program at ISU, and, indeed, your entire university experience. At the Exit Interview bring your Summative Teaching Portfolio to illustrate the INTASC Principles and Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (see pages in your HIS & SOC SCI 390–PIP Packet).
At the Exit Interview bring your Teaching Portfolio and evidence that you have successfully passed the Teacher Certification Exam for the state of Illinois. Upon completion of the Exit Interview you will be awarded one of four levels: Accomplished, Proficient, Apprentice, and Novice. These levels indicate the degree to which you and any other preservice teacher candidate demonstrates Content and Pedagogical Knowledge, Classroom Performance, and the Dispositions necessary to show growth as a teacher, scholar, and person.
My website URL is You will find this syllabus on-line. You will also find examples of projects teachers created for First-/Second-/and Third-Order documents. I have also constructed analysis guides that assist historical thinking. You should consult these and download them for your own use in teaching. In addition, I have created a heading “Historical Inquiry,” which is helpful site for you to find primary sources and to find ideas about teaching in history and the social sciences.
You will be evaluated on several points:
- Quality of classroom participation during all activities.
- Quality of your rationale for First-/Second-/and Third-order documents.
- Quality of your summary of the professional conference.
- Quality of Unit Plan including the formal lesson plans and summaries of other lesson plans constituting the Unit Plan.
- Quality of your Philosophy of Teaching Statement.
- Quality of Summative Teaching Portfolio.
- Attendance at class sessions. These classes are either double or quintuple periods. No personal business days are allowed. Plan ahead to be at each session. If school is closed due to weather or some other disaster, that particular session may have to be re-scheduled.
- Attendance at the exit interview is mandatory. Sometimes cooperating teachers do not understand why we have classes during student teaching. Most cooperating teachers immediately understand the importance of getting together to discuss experiences and that teaching is an on-going lifelong learning process. It is your responsibility to inform your cooperating teacher well ahead of time of the class dates and then to remind them several days before each class meeting. It is not your responsibility to justify the classes. Should your cooperating teacher require an explanation, please feel free to give him or her my telephone number.
All assignments are due on the assignment date. Any time an assignment is late, the highest grade possible is a “C.” There are three dimensions of assessing your work in HIS & SOC SCI 390: Knowledge, Reasoning, and Communication. Each dimension emphasizes a particular set of criteria. Knowledge stresses facts/supporting details, themes/issues, and concepts/ideas. Reasoning emphasizes reflection, critical thinking, history’s higher level of thinking (habits of mind), and values. And Communication stresses clear expression orally and in a written format. Hopefully, your work in HIS & SOC SCI 390 contribute to your knowledge, disposition, and skills as a teacher.
Crowley, Paula and Frederick D. Drake, Teaching History in Inclusive Settings (2001).
Drake, Frederick D. PIP Packet for 390, Spring 2002.
Drake, Frederick D. “Teaching Historical Thinking.” ERIC Digest. August 2002.
Drake, Frederick D and Lawrence W. McBride. “Reinvigorating the Teaching of History through Alternative Assessment. The History Teacher 30, no. 2 (February 1997): 145–173.
Drake, Frederick D. and Lawrence W. McBride. “The Summative Teaching Portfolio and the Reflective Practitioner of History,” The History Teacher 34, No. 1 (November 2000): 41-60.
Nelson, Lynn R. and Frederick D. Drake, “Civic Intelligence and liberal Intelligence in the History, in Education of Social studies Teachers: Civic Learning in Teacher Education, eds., John J. Patrick and Robert S. Leming, Vol. 1 (Bloomington, IN: ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education, 2001), 131–162. Patrick, John J. and Robert Leming, eds., Principles and Practices of Democracy in the Education of Social Studies Teachers: Civic Learning in Teacher Education. Vol. 1 (Bloomington, IN: ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education, 2001). Select Chapters.
“ Three Teachers,” in Theodore Sizer, Horace’s Compromise: The Dilemma of the American High School (Boston: Houghton Mifflin).
“ Traditions of Reflective teaching,” in Kenneth M. Zeichner, Reflective Teaching: An Introduction (Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates, 1996), 51–62.
Course Schedule
Date | Topics | Readings and Assignments |
Week 1 (Sept. 4 and 6) | Introduction of Course Syllabus and Goals | “The Strange Death of Silas Deane;” Nash, Preface and Acknowledgments |
Week 2 (Sept. 9, 11, & 13) | Historians and Teachers? How Do We Learn and Why Should We? | Nash, 3–127; Wineburg, Chapters 1 and 2; “The Thesis-Driven Classroom;” and Rosenzweig, “How Americans Use and Think About the Past.” |
Week 3 (Sept. 16, 18, & 20) | The History Wars and the Massachusetts State Standards—For Students and Teachers | Becker, “Everyman His Own Historian;” Nash, 128-258; “War and Memory;” MCAS History and Social Science Tests, Curriculum Frameworks. |
Week 4 (Sept. 23, 25, & 27) | Creating an Integrated History Curriculum—Incorporating Different Approaches to History | Finish Nash; Students Report on Curriculum Guides for Assigned High Schools; Degler, “Why Historians Change Their Minds;” Wineburg, Chapter 6.Reaction Paper Due |
Week 5 (Sept 30, Oct. 2 & 4) | “What Am I going to Do on Monday?”—Crafting Effective Lesson and Unit Plans | Section from “A Catwalk Across the Great Divide;” Sample Lesson Plans from Web and Magazine of History |
Week 6 (Oct. 7, 9, & 11) | Getting History into Their Hands—Using Primary Sources in the Classroom | Wineburg, Chapter 3 and 4;“Using Primary Sources in the Classroom;” “History Goes Digital: Teaching With On-line Primary Sources;” “Primary Sources: Second to None on the Web;” “Bringing the Internet and World Wide Web Into the History Classroom.” First Draft of Bibliography Due |
Week 7 (Oct. 16 & 18)No class on the 14th—Columbus Day | Classroom Management: Lecturing and Active Learning | Wineburg, Chapter 9; “Active Learning: Quantity, Extent Depth Count;” “Humor as a Teaching Tool;” “How to Keep Your Students Thinking;” “Effective Discussion Leading;” “The Lecture: A Powerful Tool for Intellectual Liberation;” “The ‘Change-Up.’” |
Week 8 (Oct. 21, 23, & 25) | Teaching Today’s Students About Yesterday’s Events: Teaching and Reaching a Diverse Student Population.How to Assess Their Work | Wineburg, Chapter 5; Census Data; School Demographic Statistics;Case Studies of Classroom Situations; AP US History Grading Rubrics. Unit Plan Rationale and Objectives Due |
Week 9 (Oct. 28, 30, & Nov. 1) | Teaching With Technology | Samples of multimedia materials offered by textbook publishers. November 1 is a Reading/Research Day: No Class |
Week 10 (Nov. 4, 6, & 8) | Teach Global, Think Local—Incorporating Local History into the High School Classroom | “Voices of Experience: Oral History in the Classroom” and “Ghosts, Legend, and Haunted Houses: Using Colorful Local History Resources in the History Classroom;” Discussion with local historical society spokesperson Detailed Unit Plan Outline Due |
Week 11 (Nov. 13 & 15) No Class on the 11th: Veterans’ Day | Hollywood’s History: Using Films to Teach History | “The Movie-Maker as Historian: Conversations with Ken Burns;” Chapter from History by Hollywood |
Week 12 (Nov. 18, 20, & 22) | Individual Meetings with Instructor about Lesson Plans | Students MUST Schedule Meeting with instructor |
Week 13 (Nov. 25) | Classroom Presentation of Lesson Plans | Materials Submitted by Students |
Week 14 (Dec. 2, 4, & 6) | Classroom Presentation of Lesson Plans | Materials Submitted by Students |
Week 15 (Dec. 9 & 11) | Classroom Presentation of Lesson Plans | Materials Submitted by Students |
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