Published Date

January 1, 2003

Resource Type

AHA Resource

AHA Topics

K–12 Education, Teaching & Learning

This is part of the Training Teachers to Teach History in K-12 Schools project.

The History Department of California State University at Long Beach has been the main source of leadership in the secondary education program for history and the social sciences since academic disciplines were given that responsibility within the university as a whole in 1965. Practicing teachers were first brought in to teach our introductory and methods classes in 1974. Presently, history faculty, both full-time and part-time, supervise student teachers in a variety of school districts in the area. The department is closely involved with the Seamless Education Partnership between the university, the Long Beach Unified School District, and Long Beach Community College. The in-service training programs connected with the department and the partnership are funded by the State-funded California History/Social Science Project and the federally funded Teaching American History Project.

The Single-Subject Secondary-Education program requires three courses directed by the History Department in collaboration with faculty from Geography, Economics and Political Science:

  • EDSS 300S, “Introduction to Teaching-Social Sciences”: An orientation course that combines fieldwork with discussion of the teaching career, taught by a practicing teacher;
  • EDSS 450S, “Curriculum & Methods of Teaching Social Science”: the methods course focused upon history and taught by a practicing teacher;
  • CLA 495 (offered by the College of Liberal Arts), “Social Science for Teachers”: A “capstone” course, taught by a history professor, which enables students to review American and World history and to facilitate historiographical and methodological understanding of the two subjects. Moreover, students are encouraged to embed social science and global perspectives in their approach to history. They must pass exams in these fields—that are specially designed for the purpose—to be admitted to student teaching.

Presently EDSS 450S and CLA 495 taught jointly, the former by Tim Keirn and the latter by Wendy Hayes-Ebright. A former middle-school teacher, Wendy is presently head of the gifted student program in the Long Beach Unified School District. Their syllabi are given below. This program, integrating the study of content and pedagogy, has been supported by the World History Association and an NEH grant, “Teaching a Global Perspective.”


SPRING 2003: Integrating Content and Pedagogy for Pre-Service Teachers

C/LA 495: Social Science for Teachers

Tuesday 4–6:45 (LA5 248)

Instructors: Tim Keirn,
Department of History
FO2 117 (985-4428)
Office Hours: Tuesday 3-4; Wednesday 10-11 and 1-2
EDSS 450S: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Social Science
Thursday 7–9:45 (LA5 263)

Wendy Hayes-Ebright,
Department of Teacher Education
LA 2 Room 205 (985-4423 CSULB History Department phone; fax 562-985-5431)
Office hours by appointment
Long Beach Unified Schools, Gate Office
562-426-9538 (fax: 562-426-6318)
E-mail: (work)

Linking Content and Pedagogy

This course of study and training directly links the social science capstone and methods courses—C\LA 495 and EDSS 450S. While students are enrolled separately within the two specific classes, and will be evaluated individually within each specific subject area, significant and extensive integration and alignment exists between the two courses. Linking these two courses allows for an analysis of historical content in depth with immediate classroom application facilitating the reinforcement of expanding content mastery with pedagogical skill in the secondary school classroom setting. Moreover, students will benefit from the “cohort effect.” Working collaboratively with the same group of students in—and between—both courses facilitates the development of professional relationships amongst peers and will ease the transition from pre-service to full-time teaching. During the semester, students are encouraged to study and work together, sharing materials, strategies and lesson plans and to continue to exchange ideas and find support within the cohort throughout their professional careers. To begin this process a list-serve will be formulated for this cohort and all students must have an active e-mail account.

C/LA 495: Capstone Course Description and Objectives

Pre-service teachers must have a strong grasp of the content that they will teach. This is a capstone course that is designed to expand and assess student content proficiency prior to the onset of student teaching. It is assumed that all participants have completed all (or “nearly” all—i.e. no more than 6 units short—see me if this is the case) of the coursework in the Social Science Waiver Program or have passed the Praxis examination. This course will investigate historical content as it pertains to the History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools. We will organize our review—and alas examination—of content in 4 units as dictated by the Framework. We will incorporate and imbed our assessment of Geography, Economics and Government within all the units as described below.

  • Unit One: Postclassical (500–1450) & Early Modern World History (1450–1750) & African Geography (Grade 7)
  • Unit Two: Modern World History (1750 to present) & Eurasian Geography (Grade 10)
  • Unit Three: Early U.S. History through Reconstruction (to 1877) & North American Geography (Grade 8)
  • Unit Four: Modern U.S. History (1877 to present) & Latin American Geography (Grade 11)
    Moreover, special attention will be paid to ensuring that pre-service teachers are adequately trained in relation to their historical skills. The most effective practitioners of history teaching also understand the skills of historical analysis and the habits of mind of the historical profession. Pre-service teachers should also have some grounding in historiography especially as it relates to the subject of World History, recognizing the importance of cross-cultural contact and integration and the need to examine American History from global perspectives.

EDSS 450S: Social Science Teaching Methods Course Description and Objectives

This course is designed for prospective middle and high school history teachers. The focus will be upon establishing a firm foundation of strategies and methodology to be used for planning, implementing and assessing an interdisciplinary curriculum. Upon completion of this course, students will be prepared for student teaching a culturally and educationally diverse student population. Students in this course will:

  • Develop an understanding of the California History Social Science State Framework
  • Develop an understanding of the California Academic Content Standards for History/Social Science.
  • Develop the ability to use the framework and standards to help structure lesson planning as well as a curriculum map for a school year.
  • Develop instructional strategies that will create learning opportunities for students of varied learning styles.
  • Develop instructional strategies that will promote equity among all students.
  • Develop an appreciation in the value of professional literature in providing information regarding curriculum and best1 practices.

Required Texts for Both Courses

Jerry Bentley, Shapes of World History in Twentieth-Century Scholarship (American Historical Association, 1996).
California History Social Science Framework (2001 edition with State Standards).

Heidi Roupp, (ed.), Teaching World History: A Resource Book (Westview, 1997).

Peter Stearns, Peter Seixas and Sam Wineburg (eds.), Knowing, Teaching and Learning History (NYU, 2000).

Packet of Readings for EDSS 450 at CopyPro at Palo Verde and Atherton.

Optional Readings for Both Courses

Gerald Danzer, World History: An Atlas and Study Guide (Prentice Hall, 1998).

E. Homberger, The Penguin Historical Atlas of North America (1995).

Gary Nash et al., The American People (Harper Collins, 2002 ed.) or any recent and complete university-level U.S. history text.

Peter Stearns, World History: Patterns of Change & Continuity (Addison, 2001 ed.) or any “global” university-level World History textbook (those by Bentley, Bulliet or the non-abridged edition of Stearns are recommended).
Note: these books are chosen on the basis of cost and the breadth of coverage but students may utilize other 100 level college textbooks. Not all the topics germane to the California State Framework and Standards are covered in Nash & Stearns.

Common Attendance Requirements for Both Courses

Pre-service teachers need to be prompt and develop professional and collegial manners and attitudes. Students are expected to arrive promptly for each class, prepared with interactive notebook and curriculum packet in the case of the methods course. Attendance will be taken during the first 15 minutes of class by signing in on the sign-in sheet at the door. You will not be given credit for attendance if you do not sign in. Because both classes are interactive, your participation is encouraged and will be a consideration in your final grade. In case of illness or personal circumstances, please contact the instructors in advance. In case of absence, you are expected to make up all missed assignments; late homework must be completed within one week of the missed class. Missing more than two classes, arriving late more than two times or leaving early will constitute failure in both courses.

Requirements for the Capstone Course

Exams (800 POINTS). There shall be four examinations in this course.

Writing assignments (100 POINTS). In addition students will be responsible for three short writing assignments over the semester that will demonstrate the pre-service teacher’s:

  • a. Understanding of the nature of historiography, especially as it relates to the teaching of world history.
  • b. Ability to infuse a global perspective within the California history-social science curriculum.
  • c. Familiarity with recent research on history learning and historical thinking in the secondary classroom.
  • d. Ability to interpret and analyze primary sources historically.
  • e. Understanding of the value and the ability to teach comparative history.

These writing assignments will account for 10% (100 points) of the final assessment. Students will have the opportunity to revise assignments and they will be included within the Unit plan for EDSS 450 (and will count in both courses). The capstone writing assignments are as follows:

  1. Based on your reading for Week II, write an essay (3–4 pages) that explains and accounts for the rise of “professional world history.” This essay should also discuss “ what world historians do” with specific and concrete examples and references from the readings. Your essay should address the extent to which American history is integrated within a world historical perspective? Secondly, examine the State Framework and Standards of your chosen grade level of your unit plan (7, 8, 10 or 11). Does the state curriculum provide a global perspective (site concrete examples)? Where might a global perspective be infused (site concrete examples)? Resubmit this essay and critique of the State Framework with your curriculum map in the unit plan in EDSS 450 (see below page 11). Please provide a bibliography with this assignment. It is worth 30 points.
  2. Based on your reading for week VI, write an essay (3-5 pages) that surveys and reviews current research on student history thinking and learning. How is the epistemology of student history-thinking disconnected from the discipline of history? How do students read documents? What are some remedies for promoting more analytical historical thinking and changing their “habits of mind”? What are the benefits of teaching comparative history? Your essay should serve as an introduction to your primary source and comparative history lesson plans and should include a bibliography. Attach the aforementioned lesson plans. This assignment is worth 30 points.
    **check out the the Paul Halsall Internet History Sourcebook at Fordham University ( – an excellent resource for primary sources in world history. For U.S. history, check out the websites of the National Archives ( and Smithsonian (
  3. Write the first two-thirds of the essay that will serve as an introduction to your unit plan. This essay (4-5 pages) should provide the historical context of your topic. The essay should explain current scholarly perspectives and justify historical significance of your topic. To what extent is your chosen topic a consequence of prior developments? What are the historical consequences of your topic? How is a global perspective infused in your approach to the topic? Research and provide an annotated bibliography of current scholarship relating to your topic. This assignment is worth 40 points.

Note the final introduction to your unit plan will also include two additional components – a reflection on your choice of pedagogy and an explanation of how your unit reflects the state standards.

**check out ABC Clio–Historical Abstracts and American History and Life to assist in your historical research through the University Library Data Bases.

Participation (100 POINTS). Each student shall be responsible for providing two individual “mini-lessons” on a chosen topic from the study guides – one from world and one from US history. Each student will have 20 minutes to present their topic and to field questions. Students are encouraged to promote discussion, classroom interaction and to implement and experiment with strategies introduced in EDSS 450 during these presentations. Students should use visual materials and maps when applicable and create a one-page graphic organizer to be distributed to all class participants. Student “mini-lectures” will be graded on the same basis as that during a student teaching observation. Lectures should be accurate, relevant (i.e. they address stated learning outcomes), engaging and clearly explicated. The presenter should be organized, appropriately attired, and careful of her/his time management. The purpose of these presentations is to share the load of reviewing content and to facilitate lecture and discussion techniques relating to the subject matter of the state framework. The first presentation should include a graphic organizer and will be evaluated by the instructor. The second presentation must include an anticipatory set and will be assessed by peers. The class will collaboratively design the scoring guide and rubric for presentations. Each presentation will be worth 30 points. The balance of the participation score (40 points) will reflect student attendance, promptness, and contribution to discussion.

All students must achieve a grade of “B” or better prior to the onset of student teaching. To earn a “B”, students must both score above 80 percent on the examinations (i.e. earn 640 points) and 80 percent in total (i.e. 800 points inclusive of exams, participation and lesson plans). If a student receives a “D” or “F” on any one examination, they must retake the examination with prior arrangement with the instructor. If the student does not pass the exam during the semester they will receive an incomplete. Students may take the examination three times.


Dates for Assignments and Assessments for the Capstone Course
1st Writing AssignmentFebruary 11
Early World History/Eurasian Geography ExamFebruary 25
2nd Writing AssignmentMarch 18
Modern World History/African Geography ExamMarch 25
Early US/North American Geography ExamApril 22
3rd writing assignmentApril 29
Modern US/Latin American Geography ExamMay 20 (5 to 7pm)


Assignments, Readings and Course Outline for the Capstone Course
Wk I (1/28)Introduction to Syllabus; Graphic Organizers and Scoring Guides; Introduction to the California H/SS Framework; History of Content Standards [review California History Social Science Framework; the new state standards at and the local Long Beach Unified standards at].
Wk II (2/4)Historiography of World History [read: Jerry Bentley, Shapes of World History in Twentieth-Century Scholarship; William McNeill, “World History”, in Heidi Roupp, Teaching World History (1997); What do World Historians do? [read: Richard Bulliet, “Themes, Conjunctures and Comparisons”, in Roupp, Teaching World History ; Leften Stavrianos, “A Global Perspective in the Organization of World History”, in Roupp, Teaching World History; Ross Dunn, “Constructing World History in the Classroom”, Stearns, Knowing, Teaching and Learning History; U.S. History in Global Perspective [Paul Adams, “The United States in World History”, Roupp, Teaching, Michael Adas, “Integrating the Exceptionalist Narrative of the American Experience into World History”, American Historical Review (2001)**].
Wk III (2/11)The Postclassical World [read Linda Shafer, “Southernization” in Roupp, Teaching].
1st Writing Assignment due.
Wk IV (2/18)The Early Modern World [read A.J. Carlson, “Teaching the Reformation as World History”, in Roupp, Teaching].
Wk V (2/25)Early World History and Eurasian Geography Examination
Wk VI (3/4)Teaching and Learning in History, Primary Sources & Comparative History [read articles by Shemilt, and parts III and IV in Stearns, Knowing, Teaching and Learning History; Bob Bain, “Building an Essential World History Tool: Teaching Comparative History” in Roupp, Teaching; Richard Paxton, "A Deafening Silence: History Textbooks and Students Who Read Them”, Review of Educational Research (1999)**].
Wk VII (3/11)Industrialization and Imperialism in World History [Peter Stearns, “The Explosion of Consumerism in Western Europe and the United States” in Consumerism in World History: The Global Transformation of Desire (2001)**.
Wk VIII (3/18)The 20th-Century World [read: M. Geyer and C. Bright, “World History in a Global Age”, American Historical Review (1995)**]. 2nd writing assignment due
Wk IX (3/25)Modern World History and African Geography Exam
Wk X (4/1)Colonial America and the American Revolution from a Global Perspective [J.M. Murrin, “Beneficiaries of Catastrophe: The English Colonies in America” in E. Foner (ed.), The New American History (1997)**].
Wk XI (4/8)Early 19th-Century America, the Civil War and Reconstruction [Gary Nash, “The Convergence Paradigm in Studying Early American History”, in Stearns, Knowing, Teaching and Learning History].
Wk XII (4/22)Early American History and North American Geography Exam
Wk XIII (4/29)U.S. History, 1877 to 1945 [T.R. Berger, “War Against the Indians in the United States and Argentina”, J.O. Gump, “The Subjugation of the Zulu and the Sioux”, and W. Nugent, “The Great Transatlantic Migrations” in Carl J. Guarneri (ed.), America Compared: American History in International Perspective (vol. II, 1997)**]. 3rd writing assignment due.
Wk XIV (5/6)The United States and the Post War World [George Fredrickson, “Resistance to White Supremacy in the United States and South Africa” in Guarneri**].
Wk XV (5/13)Preparing to Student Teach
Finals (5/20)Modern US History and Latin American Geography Exam (5 to 7 pm)


Requirements for the Methods Class

Short Homework Assignments are assigned weekly and are due at the start of class each week. Refer to the syllabus or the assignment written weekly on the board. Late homework may be completed by the following week’s class in order to receive half credit. It is your responsibility to personally hand in missed assignments and to check to be sure credit is given.
Interactive Student Notebook: The ISN is your portfolio for the methods course. All class notes and homework will be recorded and kept in the ISN. Notebooks will be collected once halfway through the semester and graded according to a pre-distributed scoring guide. Follow the details for notebook assignments within your course packet.
Fieldwork Experience: All students will complete 10 hours of fieldwork (see detailed instructions in class packet).
The Culminating Project for the class is the creation of a two-week standards based Unit Plan on a self selected topic within World or US History, grades 7-12. The Unit Plan will include lessons reflecting content from Capstone and pedagogy from Methods. Make sure that the topic is appropriate by checking with both instructors and the California State Framework. Follow the Assessment Checklist for the specifics that are required for an exemplary culminating project. A score of 80 percent or above is required for completion of the methods course.

Technology Requirements:

  • Complete one web site analysis. (See format in your packet) Present your analysis to the class along with one handout per student.
  • Email Wendy during the first 2 weeks of the class. (See email addresses at start of syllabus)

Grading Policy (90 to 100 percent = A; 80 to 90 percent = B)

  • Letter to Wendy = 10 points
  • Lesson Plans for the first three lessons = 30 points each.
  • Planning Calendar of Objectives = 25 points
  • All additional weekly homework assignments (4) = 10 points each.
  • Web Site Presentation=10 points.
  • Interactive Notebook=60 points
  • Written Unit Plan is worth 150 points. (Refer to detailed instructions in your packet.)
  • Class attendance is worth 45 points = 3 points per class.
  • Fieldwork (with all components) = 30 points.

Course Policies:

  • Plagiarism as defined on page 47 of the School of is prohibited. Any single instance of plagiarism will result in a failing grade in the course.
  • See page 81 of the School of for the university’s policy regarding withdrawing from classes.

Students must complete all coursework (including the culminating written Unit Plan) with a grade of no lower than a B to advance to Student Teaching.

Assignments, Readings and Course Outline for the Methods Course

All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the week following the assignment unless otherwise noted. Students in the methods classes should refer to the weekly homework packet distributed in class.

Written Unit Plan: Assessment Checklist



Grade Level :__________

____Introductory Essay & Bibliography (25)*
____Curriculum Map & Essay (10)*
____Planning Calendar of Objectives (5)
____Essential Question for the Unit (5)

____Teaching & Learning History Paper/Intro to Comparative/Primary Source Lesson Plans (15)*
____Comparative History Lesson Plan (10)*
____Primary Source Lesson Plan (10)*
____Geography Lesson (10)
____Writing Assignment Lesson Plan (include the prompt) (10)
____Art/Music Lesson Plan (10)

____Content Area Reading Strategies (10]
____Assessment (Rubric, Scoring Guide, or Assessment Checklist) (10)
____Implementation of Course Strategies for Diverse Learners (10)
____Quality: All Required Elements Are Included and Edited (10)
____Total Points (150)


Comments (see over):