This resource is part of the AHA’s The History of Racism and Racist Violence.
“Not Just Native Sovereignty: The ICWA’s Survival Is a Bellwether for Democracy” by Noah Ramage (Perspectives on History, 2023)
“Land Acknowledgments: Helpful, Harmful, Hopeful” by Elizabeth Ellis and Rose Stremlau (Perspectives on History, 2022)
“A Pardon for Homer Plessy The Long Arc of ‘Pernicious’ Jurisprudence” by James Grossman (Perspectives on History, 2022)
“Sovereignty Is Not So Fragile: McGirt v. Oklahoma and the Failure of Denationalization” by Noah Ramage (Perspectives on History, 2022)
“We Have Always Been Global: Tribal Nations in the Democratic Slide” by Noah Ramage (Perspectives on History, 2022)
“Vikings, Crusaders, and Confederates: Misunderstood Historical Imagery at the January 6 Capitol Insurrection” by Matthew Gabriele (Perspectives on History, 2021)
“Defund the Police: Protest Slogans and the Terms for Debate” by Austin McCoy (Perspectives on History, 2020)
“So Far Away from 1965: Voting Rights in the United States” by Julian Zelizer (Perspectives on History, 2020)
“After Charlottesville: Historians Tackle White Supremacist Nostalgia for an Imagined Past” by Matthew Gabriele (Perspectives on History, 2019)
“‘An Act of Tactical History’: Creating an Archive of the Red Summer of 1919” by Karen Sieber (Perspectives on History, 2019)
“‘For the Future’: Doing Indigenous History after Standing Rock” by Zoë Jackson (Perspectives on History, 2018)
“Elizabeth Hinton Discusses Carceral Studies and Scholarly Activism” (AHR Interview, 2017)
“#SayHerName: The LA Uprising, 25 Years Later” by Brenda E. Stevenson (AHA Today, 2017)
The Future of the African American Past, a landmark conference co-hosted by the American Historical Association and the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) that brought together over 60 scholars to celebrate the opening of the NMAAHC and to consider the future of the study of African American history (YouTube, 2016)
“The Politics of the Past in the Black Freedom Struggle” by Allison Miller (AHA Today, 2016)
“Uncovering Activism and Engaging Students: The Colored Conventions Project” by John Rosinbum (AHA Today, 2016)
“‘Manufacturing Criminals’: The Historical Roots of Baltimore’s Racialized Criminal Justice System” by Dennis Halpin (Perspectives on History, 2015)
“Understanding Ferguson” by Sarah Fenton (Perspectives on History, 2015)
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