Published Date

January 7, 2021

Resource Type

AHA Resource, For the Classroom, Vetted Resource


African American, Current Events in Historical Context, Political, Social, State & Local (US), Teaching Methods

AHA Topics

Graduate Education, K–12 Education, Undergraduate Education


United States

This resource is part of The Assault on the Capitol in Historical Perspective: Resources for Educators


New American History explores America’s past. Projects include American Panorama, an interactive digital atlas, and Bunk History, a shared home for online writing and thinking about the American past.

The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History offers a vast array of primary and secondary sources as well as an extensive catalog of teaching resources, including videos, curricula, lesson plans, and activities.

Retro Report offers lesson plans that include questions for discussion, essay prompts, and a 5-15 minute video.

U.S. History Scene is a multimedia history education website dedicated to providing students and teachers with easy access to digital resources, live digital curriculum, and cutting-edge history scholarship.

Mapping American Social Movements produces and displays free interactive maps showing the historical geography of dozens of social movements that have influenced American life and politics since the late 19th century.

White House Historical Association: Protest at the People’s House offers a collection of research articles and photographs and organizes events into themes.