Published Date

January 7, 2021

Resource Type

AHA Resource, For the Classroom, Vetted Resource


African American, Current Events in Historical Context, Political, Social

AHA Topics

Graduate Education, K–12 Education, Undergraduate Education


United States

This resource is part of The Assault on the Capitol in Historical Perspective: Resources for Educators


“On the Peaceful Transfer of Power: Lessons from 1800” by Sara Georgini (Perspectives on History, 2020)

“‘If Anybody Says Election to Me, I Want to Fight’: The Messy Election of 1876” by Jon Grinspan (Perspectives on History, 2020)

“The Senators Who Were Expelled After Refusing to Accept Lincoln’s Election” by Gillian Brockell (The Washington Post, 2020)

“So Far Away from 1965: Voting Rights in the United States” by Julian Zelizer (Perspectives on History, 2020)

“A Remarkable Election” by Jacqueline Jones (Perspectives on History, 2009)

“Historians Reflect on the 2020 Election,” a Virtual AHA webinar featuring Marsha E. Barrett, Jelani Cobb, John A. Lawrence, Heather Cox Richardson, and James Grossman (YouTube, 2020)