This resource was developed in 2004 as part of “Discovering American Social History on the Web” by Dan Kallgren.
The Anti-Saloon League was one of a number of temperance and reform organizations pushing to outlaw liquor in the United States around the turn of the century. Many of the people involved in the Anti-Saloon League were the same kinds of folks involved in many other reform activities in the U.S. at this time, namely the native-born middle-class.
Your assignment: “Select, analyze and write about the past”
- Visit the website listed above and familiarize yourself with the materials contained therein.
- Chose one of the following sections to focus your attention on:
- “History”
- “Leaders”
- Some of the material under “Printed Materials”
- “Related Organizations”
- Prepare a short report (2–4 pages) on some aspect of the information found in your section. Does a dominant theme emerge from the information? Is there some particularly interesting section that sheds insight into why these people were doing this? Did they seem to focus on a particular element in society? Plan to present these reports to the class.
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