Published Date

January 1, 2016

Resource Type

AHA Resource, For the Classroom



AHA Topics

Teaching & Learning, Undergraduate Education


Latin America/Caribbean, United States

This resource was developed as part of the AHA’s Globalizing the US History Survey project


By Carlos Contreras

Institution: Grossmont College

Location: El Cajon, CA

Year: 2016


  • Kicza, ch. 8, “Enduring Connections Between the New World and the Old”
  • Benjamin’s The Atlantic World, p. 203 and
    • “The American Revolution” by Jack Greene, pp. 206–18
    • “Sister Revolutions: America and France” by Susan Dunn, pp. 218–27
    • “The Haitian Revolution” by Franklin Knight, pp. 227–35
    • “The Spanish and Spanish American Revolutions” by Jaime Rodriguez, pp. 235–47

Carefully answer the following questions from your readings (with depth and examples):

  1. From Kicza, ch. 8, “Enduring Connections Between the New World and the Old”:
    1. Describe in detail the importance of “The Movement of Animals” (with examples)
    2. Describe in detail the importance of “The Movement of Plants” (with examples)
    3. Describe in detail the importance of “The Movement of Precious Metals” (with examples)
    4. Discuss in detail the major points in “By Way of Conclusion—Enduring Patterns”
  2. From Benjamin’s The Atlantic World:
    1. Discuss in detail the major points in “The American Revolution” by Jack Greene, pp. 206–18:
    2. Discuss in detail the major points in “Sister Revolutions: America and France” by Susan Dunn, pp. 218–27:
    3. Discuss in detail the major points in “The Haitian Revolution” by Franklin Knight, pp. 227–35:
    4. Discuss in detail the major points in “The Spanish and Spanish American Revolutions” by Jaime Rodriguez, pp. 235–47.