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Published Date

June 1, 2017

Resource Type

For the Classroom


Digital Methods, Labor, Public History, Social

AHA Topics

Teaching & Learning


United States

  • Invite students to compare the stories about life on the land on this website to those collected in Voices from the Dust Bowl: The Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection, 1940-1941 on the American Memory site at the Library of Congress. Ask them to compare the pressures facing rural people in the Southern Piedmont in the early 1900s to those that affected Dust Bowl migrants a few decades later. What factors shaped farmers’ decisions to leave the land? How are these two cases similar or different?

Do you have other ideas for teaching using the Life on the Land resources on this website? If so, please e-mail your ideas to James Leloudis. We will add selected ideas to the website in future revisions.

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This page contains words or ideas that might be offensive to modern readers. To maintain the accuracy of historical documentation, the content is reprinted in its entirety as it was originally published. This accurate reproduction of original historical texts therefore contains words and ideas that do not reflect the editorial decisions or views of the American Historical Association.