The American Historical Association submitted regular reports to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, which trace the development of the Gutenberg-e Program over the course of its ten years from conception to completion. Please note that the information provided does not represent the full record of the project. Personal information about the awardees has been removed; the request for renewal of the grant and the annual reports do not include budget and financial statements (we refer you to the statement in the final report); and lastly, Columbia University (in 2000 and 2001) and Columbia University Press (in 2008) received supplementary Mellon grants to support aspects of the Gutenberg-e Project, which are not included in this accounting. The grants to Columbia University supported seminars and meetings between authors and project staff, while the grant to the Press will support print editions for 21 of the Gutenberg-e Project.
Preliminary Proposal to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
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