Published Date

November 13, 2022

Resource Type

AHA Resource, Toolkit


African American, Current Events in Historical Context, Labor, Political, Slavery, Social, State & Local (US), Urban

AHA Topics

Graduate Education, K–12 Education, Teaching & Learning, Undergraduate Education


United States

In the spring of 2022, the American Historical Association, the National Council for the Social Studies, the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education, and New American History hosted a series of listening sessions for K-12 educators and higher education faculty, an opportunity to listen to the concerns of educators concerned about the teaching of US history amidst political controversy. Teachers expressed a need to find inquiry-based learning resources and tools to foster reflective thinking using credible sources, without violating new state laws or local policies. In the spirit of supporting these colleagues, we offer the following resources. Topics were requested by educators in previous listening sessions.

To access all the resources, please visit the New American History website.


Early America

Freedom’s Fortress

1619 v. 1776

The Deleted Passage of the Declaration of Independence

The Revolutions

Emancipation and Reconstruction

Freedom’s Fortress

T. Thomas Fortune: The Black Radical You’ve Never Heard Of

Harriet Tubman

Seizing Freedom: A Tulsa Postcard

Seizing Freedom: Truth Makes the Man Free

A Brief Moment in the Sun

Southern Journey: The Restless South, 1860-1940


Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America

Renewing Inequality: From Redlining to Family Displacements through Urban Renewal, 1950-1966

Not Even Past: Redlining and Public Health

The Lines That Shape Our Cities: Redlining and Environmental Inequalities

Southern Journey: Arrival and Return, 1940-2020