From First Meeting of the American Historical Association (1884)
The adjourned meeting was called to order for a business session at 9 a.m., September 10th, in a small parlor at the United States Hotel, by the acting Chairman, Mr. Winsor. There were present, in addition to those mentioned at the first preliminary meeting, President S. L. Caldwell of Vassar College, Judge Mellen Chamberlain, Librarian of the Boston Public Library, Judge Charles A. Peabody of New York, Judge Batcheller of Saratoga, Professor Austin Scott of Rutgers College, Professor Herbert Tuttle of Cornell University, Dr. J. F. Jameson and Davis R. Dewey, of Johns Hopkins University, Henry E. Scott of Harvard University, Calvin H. Carter of Waterbury, Ct., William Henry Davis of Cincinnati, Ohio, and several other gentlemen. The acting Secretary said that the main item of unfinished business was the report on the Constitution. Professor C. K. Adams was then called upon to report in behalf of the committee, and presented the following articles:
Constitution of the American Historical Association.
The name of this Society shall be the American Historical Association.
Its object shall be the promotion of historical studies.
Any person approved by the Executive Council may become a member by paying three dollars; and after the first year may continue a member by paying an annual fee of three dollars. On payment of twenty-five dollars, any person may become a life-member exempt from assessments. Persons not residents in the United States may be elected as honorary members, and shall be exempt from the payment of assessments.
The officers shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Council consisting of the foregoing officers and of four other members elected by the Association. These officers shall be elected by ballot at each regular annual meeting of the Association.
The Executive Council shall have charge of the general interests of the Association, including the election of members, the calling of meetings, the selection of papers to be read, and the determination of what papers shall be published.
This Constitution maybe amended at any annual meeting, notice of such amendment having been given at the previous annual meeting, or the proposed amendment having received the approval of the Executive Council.
Upon motion of General John Eaton, this Constitution was unanimously adopted without amendment. General Eaton then moved that the Association proceed to the election of officers under the rules of the Constitution, and that a committee of three on nominations be appointed by the Chair, which motion was carried. The Chair appointed upon this committee General Eaton, Professor T. F. Crane of Cornell University, and Professor Austin Scott of Rutgers College. After consultation the committee on nominations reported the following board of officers:
President: Andrew D. White, President of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
Vice-Presidents: Justin Winsor, Librarian of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; Charles Kendall Adams, Professor of History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Secretary: Herbert B. Adams, Associate Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
Treasurer: Clarence Winthrop Bowen, No. 251 Broadway, New York.
Executive Council (in addition to the above-named officers): William B. Weeden, Providence, R. I.; Charles Deane, Cambridge, Mass.; Moses Coit Tyler, Professor of American History, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; Ephraim Emerton, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Upon motion of Professor Tuttle, of Cornell University, the chairman of the committee on nominations was instructed to cast the ballot of the Association for this board. General Eaton thereupon cast the ticket approved by the Association, and the board of officers, as above reported, was declared elected by Mr. Winsor, who thereupon yielded the chair to President Andrew D. White, who said a few words of encouragement to the new Association.
Professor M. C. Tyler moved that a recess of ten minutes be allowed, wherein persons desiring to join the new Association might present their names to the Secretary and pay their fees to the Treasurer. The motion was carried nem. con. During the recess, or at subsequent times during the day (September 10th), the following names were enrolled. The list comprises the names of persons actually present at business meetings of the Association, together with a few others who had requested enrollment by proxy.
Original Members of the American Historical Association.
Enrolled at its Organization, September 10, 1884.
Adams, Professor Charles Kendall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Adams, Dr. Herbert B., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
Bowen, Clarence W., Ph.D., The Independent, Broadway, New York City.
Caldwell, S. L., LL.D., President Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Carter, Hon. Calvin H., Waterbury, Conn.
Chamberlain, Judge Mellen, Boston Public Library, Mass.
Channing, Dr. Edward, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.
Cohen, Mendes, Cor. Sec., Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Md.
Crane, Professor T. F., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
Davis, William Henry, Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Deane, Charles, LL.D., Cambridge, Mass.
Dewey, Davis R., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
Eaton, Hon. John, U. S. Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C.
Egleston, Melville, Esq., 195 Broadway, New York City.
Emerton, Professor E., Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.
Francke, Dr. Kuno, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.
Gay, Sidney Howard, Esq., West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y.
Harris, William T., LL.D., Concord, Mass.
Hayes, Hon. Rutherford B., Fremont, Ohio.
Jameson, Dr. J. F., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
Johnston, Professor Alexander, Princeton, N. J.
King, Hon. Rufus, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Kingsbury, F. J., Esq., Waterbury, Conn.
Levermore, Charles H., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
Markham, J. C., Esq., Jersey City, N. J.
Parsons, Dr. Charles W., Providence, R. I.
Peabody, Judge Charles A., 60 West 21st Street, New York City.
Phelan, James, Esq., 56 Court Street, Memphis, Tenn.
Read, General Meredith, care of Messrs. John Munroe & Co., 32 Nassau Street, New York City.
Rice Professor R. A., Williams College, Williamstown, Mass.
Scott, Professor Austin, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J.
Scott, Henry E., Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.
Thomas, Professor Allen C., Haverford College P. O., Pa.
Tuttle, Professor Herbert, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
Tyler, Professor Moses Coit, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
Walker, General Francis A., President Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.
Weeden, William B., Esq., Providence, R. I.
White, Hon. Andrew D., President Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
Winsor, Justin, Librarian, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.
Wright, Col. Carroll D., Bureau of Statistics, Boston, Mass.