Published Date

March 16, 1998

Resource Type

For the Classroom


Teaching Methods

AHA Topics

Teaching & Learning, Undergraduate Education


United States

It is very important for students, their families, and the university programs with which they work to fully understand what they expect of each other to maximize student success. I believe in the power of written contracts to clarify expectations and crystallize the commitments that each party makes to the others. A contract like this one is an example of how the written word can be used as a tool by university programs to empower the students and their families to succeed in college and assist the programs in completing their mission in student services. This kind of contract serves as a motivational tool in creating for the student and family well-defined roles as participating stakeholders in the success of the program.


The CBS Student-Parent or Guardian Contract

For a quality university education, a successful college career requires the teamwork of the student, parents, teachers, and counselors. The staff of the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies does its part by providing a comprehensive recruitment program and two-year academic program supported by advising, counseling, and financial aid; with tracking and optional advising through graduation. In exchange, we ask each student to make a comparable commitment by pledging himself or herself to take the necessary steps that will improve his or her chances for a successful university career. When the student is still living with his or her parents (or guardians), we ask the latter to make a supportive commitment. The individual commitment of each person involved is reflected in the reading and signing of the following contract.

The Student Agreement

In recognition of and in exchange for a comprehensive recruitment, financial aid, academic, advising, counseling, and tracking program provided to me by the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies, I, the undersigned student, make a knowing commitment to fulfill the letter and intent of the following conditions:

1. I will approach the opportunity for university education with a serious, constructive attitude and with a commitment to the hard work that such an education requires.

2. I will respect and cooperate fully with my fellow students, my instructors, and my counselors both inside and outside of the classroom.

3. I will participate in a one-day summer orientation. This is both a Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies (CBS) and Wayne State University (WSU) requirement, and I understand that enrollment is not possible without it.

4. I will take the English, math qualifying, and math placement exams before the fall semester begins. I understand that I must call the Office of Testing and Evaluation at 313-577-3400 for test dates and fees.

5. I will enroll in a CBS-approved curriculum of courses during the first two years at Wayne State University. I will complete my class schedule for each semester in consultation with a CBS adviser. I will take two ethnic heritage courses as a requirement of the CBS program during the first two years at WSU.

6. I will participate in weekly discussion sessions known as supplemental instruction as part of the courses I take while in CBS. These sessions are guided by a trained student leader who will help me better understand the course material.

7. I will be proactive in seeking and utilizing tutoring and other academic support services when their use is indicated to me by the instructors and advising staff.

8. I will attend all class meetings and be on time for them. I will be attentive in class and be respectful in the classroom. I understand that developing a sense of responsibility for the success of one’s own education is one of the most dramatic adjustments students make between high school and university life. I understand and acknowledge that only the most serious and documented reasons will be accepted as legitimate excuses for absences or lateness.

9. I will keep all appointments with my counselors, instructors, tutors, and other advisers. I recognize their time is valuable. I will only cancel appointments for serious reasons, and I will call to let the person know ahead of time of my inability to keep the appointment and reschedule it for another time.

10. I will participate in a limited number of general meetings of all CBS students during the academic year.

11. I understand that the CBS computer room is intended for studying and doing homework. I will treat it like any other computer center on campus. I will not engage in excessive socialization. Under no circumstances will I bring food or drink into the room.

12. I will limit my employment during the academic year to a maximum of 20 hours per week. I understand that a university education is a full-time job in itself and that the more I work at another job, the less time I will have for my college duties.

13. I will abide by all Wayne State University rules and regulations and all requirements of the Chicano-Boricua Studies program, including deadlines for scholarship applications.

14. If I decide to stop attending WSU, I agree to personally notify my CBS counselor of my intent to withdraw. I understand that by unofficially withdrawing I will be held responsible for full tuition, fees, and penalties.

15. I understand that if I fulfill the conditions of this agreement by maintaining satisfactory performances in my courses, I will continue in the program and that I may be eligible for awards from the Latino En Marcha Scholarship Fund. I understand and acknowledge that if I do not fulfill the conditions of the contract, my parents or guardians will be so informed and that I may be asked to withdraw from the CBS program.

16. I will keep my parents and guardians informed of my academic progress, and I will enlist their assistance in making myself an academic success.

17. I hereby authorize Wayne State University and the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies to release to my parents or guardians or to any necessary official or employee of Wayne State University any records pertaining to my participation or progress in the Chicano-Boricua Studies program. I understand that this disclosure is necessary to ensure the fullest participation of all parties and the maximum benefit to my academic career. This consent shall remain in effect until such time as I leave the Chicano-Boricua Studies program.

18. I give the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies permission to use my name in press and media releases for the purpose of promoting the CBS program and Wayne State University.

I affirm that I have read, understand, and will honor all of the conditions of this contract.

Student Signature
CBS Counselor Signature

The Parent or Guardian Agreement

In recognition of–and in exchange for–the comprehensive recruitment, academic, advising, counseling, and tracking program provided to my daughter or son by the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies, I, the undersigned parent or guardian, make a knowing commitment to fulfill the letter and intent of the following conditions:

1. I affirm that I have read the student section of the CBS Student-Parent Contract and that I agree to assist my daughter or son abide by all of its conditions.

2. I will take an active interest in my daughter’s or son’s education, make a conscientious effort to be aware of requirements and deadlines, and generally provide a supportive environment at home that will facilitate and encourage academic success.

3. I will receive periodic reports from CBS teachers and counselors about the academic progress of my daughter or son. If I do not receive such reports, I will request them.

4. I commit myself to participating in CBS-sponsored events during the academic year as it relates to my daughter’s or son’s education. I will participate in the parent orientation in the fall semester of the first year. I will be notified of other meetings or events as they are scheduled throughout the year.

5. I hereby authorize Wayne State University and the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies to release to me or to any necessary official of Wayne State University any records pertaining to my daughter’s or son’s progress in the Chicano-Boricua Studies program. I understand that this disclosure is necessary to ensure the fullest participation of all parties and the maximum academic benefit to my daughter or son. This consent shall remain in effect until such time as my daughter or son leaves the Chicano-Boricua Studies program.

6. I give the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies permission to use my daughter’s or son’s name in press and media releases for the purpose of promoting the CBS program and Wayne State University.

I affirm that I have read, understand, and will honor all of the conditions of this contract.

Parent/Guardian Signature
CBS Counselor Signature