From Report of the American Historical Association Committee on the Status of Women (1970)
Principal Sources Consulted
I. Books and Articles
- Astin, Helen S. The Woman Doctorate in America; Origins, Career, and Family. Russell Sage Foundation; New York, 1969.
- Bernard, Jessie. Academic Women. Meridian: Cleveland and New York, 1966.
- Epstein, Cynthia. Woman’s Place: Options and Limits in Professional Careers. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, 1970.
- Graham, Patricia Albjerg. “Women in Academe.” Science, Sept. 25, 1970.
- Harris, Anne S. “The Second Sex in Academe.” AAUP Bulletin, Sept., 1970.
- Keniston, Ellen and Keniston, Kenneth. “An American Anachronism: The Image of Women and Work.” American Scholar, Vol. 33, No. 3, Summer, 1964.
- Lifton, Robert J. (ed.) The Woman in America. Houghton Mifflin Boston, 1965, for Daedalus.
- Mooney, Joseph D. “Attrition among Ph.D. Candidates: An Analysis of a Cohort of Recent Woodrow Wilson Fellows,” Journal of Human Resources, Vol. III, No. 1.
- Rossi, Alice S. “The Status of Women in Graduate Departments of Sociology, 1968-1969,” American Sociologist, Fall, 1969.
- Scully Malcolm G. “Women in Higher Education: Challenging the Status Quo,” from Chronicle of Higher Education, IV, 18, February 9 1970.
- Shuck, Victoria. “Women in Political Science: Some Preliminary Observations,” Political Science, Fall, 1969.
- Simon, Rita J.; Clark, Shirley Merritt and Galway, Kathleen. “The Woman Ph.D.: A Recent Profile,” Social Problems. Fall, 1967.
II. Statistical Reports and Official Publications
- Bayer, Alan E. College and University Faculty: A Statistical Description. A Report on a Collaborative Survey by the Carnegie Commission on the Future of Higher Education and the American Council of Education. ACE Research Report, Vol. 5, No. 5, June, 1970.
- American Council of Education. A Fact Book on Higher Education, Earned Degrees, No. 4, 1969.
- U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, in cooperation with the National Institutes of Health. Special Report on Women and Graduate Study. A Re-sources for Medical Research publication, 1958.
- Chandler, Marjorie O. Earned Degrees Conferred, 1965-66. U.S. and Rice, Mabel C. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, publication OE-54013-66. (Washington, 1966).
- Chandler, Marjorie O. Students Enrolled for Advanced Degrees. Fall, 1967. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare Publication. (Washington, 1967).
- U.S. Dept. of Labor; Wage and Labor Standards Administration,.
- U.S. Dept. of Labor Handbook of Women Workers. Bulletin 294. (Washington, 1969).
- National Academy of Doctorate Recipients from United States Sciences Universities 1959-1967. Publication 1489. (Washington, 1969)National Academy of Careers of Ph.D.’s, Academic versus Non Sciences Academic; A Second Report on Follow-up of Doctorate Cohorts, 1935-1960. (This is Career Patterns Report No. 2 which the NIH commissioned the NAS to do). Publication 1577. (Washington, 1968)
III. Unpublished Studies
- Berwald, Helen. “Attitudes toward Women College Teachers in Institutions of Higher Education Accredited by the North Central Association.” Unpublished dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1962.
- Mitchell, Susan. “Women and the Doctorate: A Study of Enabling
Barber or Impeding Factors among Oklahoma’s Doctoral Recipients in the Attainment and Use of the Degree.” Unpublished dissertation, University of Oklahoma, 1969. - Simpson, Lawrence A. “A Study of Employing Agents’ Attitudes toward Academic Women in Higher Education.” Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 1969.
IV. Institutional Reports
- Report of the Committee on Senate Policy: Subcommittee on the Status of Academic Women at the University of California, Berkeley Division, 1970.
- Siegel, Alberta E. and “Education of Women at Stanford University,” Carr, Ronald G. a part of The Study of Education at Stanford, Vol. II. March, 1969.
- Women in the University of Chicago, the report of the Committee on University Women, May 1, 1970.
V. Unofficial Reports and Articles on Institutions
- Alexander, Anne. “Who’s Coma a Long Way, Baby?” The Johns Hopkins Magazine, April, 1970.
- Bakke, E. Wight. “Graduate Education for Women at Yale,” in Ventures, Fall, 1969.
- Bynum, Caroline and Martin, Janet W. “The Sad Status of Women at Harvard….” Radcliffe Quarterly, June, 1970.
- Graduate Comment, published at Wayne State University, Detroit. Vol. XII, No. 1, 1969, entire issue devoted to women in education. Here may be seen a summary article of Lawrence A. Simpson’s unpublished dissertation cited in the first section of this short bibliography.
- Preliminary Report on the Status of Women at Harvard, by the Women’s Faculty Group. March 9, 1970.
- Report from the Committee on Discrimination against Women Faculty, Columbia Women’s Liberation, Women Faculty Group.
- Yale Alumni Magazine, April, 1970, Devoted to “Coeducation and the New Woman.”
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