From Report of the American Historical Association Committee on the Status of Women (1970)
The following tables show the number of women and the number of men in each of the professorial ranks in thirty departments of history. In each case the number of women in a given rank is shown first and then the number of men so that the entry 2/6 indicates two women and six men in that rank. The graduate departments of history are selected on the basis of the American Council on Education 1966 evaluation of graduate departments. The coeducational liberal arts colleges and the women’s colleges are ones generally regarded as having good academic reputations. In the coeducational and the women’s colleges some attention was also given to geographic distribution. For the women’s colleges staffing information was also sought for the decade years of this century in order to illustrate the changing position of women faculty in those institutions.
The information which these tables show was gleaned from the published catalogues of the various institutions and from the replies from the department chairmen of the thirty institutions who received the preliminary reports based on the survey of the catalogues. In August, 1970, a letter was sent to the departments taken from the published catalogues. A reply was requested by October 15, 1970, and the letter stated that if no reply was received, it would be assumed that the original catalogue information was correct. Replies were received from nineteen of the thirty institutions. We have not counted visiting faculty members when we have been able to identify them as visitors.
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