
AHA President, 1906


Yale Law School

Presidential Address

Religion Still the Key to History


In Memoriam

From the American Historical Review 32:3 (April 1927)

Simeon E. Baldwin (February 5, 1840–January 30, 1927), president of the American Historical Association for the year 1906, died on January 30, within a few days of the age of eighty-seven. For fifty years, 1869 to 1919, he had taught in the Yale Law School; he had been an associate justice of the Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut from 1893 to 1907, chief justice from 1907 to 1911, and governor of the state from 1911 to 1915. He had been president of the American Bar Association and had done important legislative work in the improvement of legal procedure in Connecticut. Governor Baldwin, besides being a high legal authority and an excellent historical scholar, was a man of wide reading and penetrating intelligence. He was a man of the highest type of Puritan character, as befitted one whose ancestors had long had an important part in the life of his commonwealth: in spite of much austerity of manner his life was marked, not only by constant public spirit, but by many private acts of benevolence and kindness.


The Constitution of the United States. New Haven: Press of Hodgson & Robinson, 1875.

Modern political institutions. By Simeon E. Baldwin Boston: Little, Brown, 1898.

The constitutional questions incident to the acquisition and government by the United States of island territory. Cambridge: Harvard Law Review, 1899.

The historic policy of the United States as to annexation. New Haven: Hoggson & Robinson, 1893

American railroad law. By Simeon E. Baldwin. Boston: Little, Brown, 1904.

The American judiciary. New York: Century Co., 1905; Reprint Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman, 1992.

The new era of international courts, 2d ed. Baltimore: American society for judicial settlement of international disputes, 1910.

Life and letters of Simeon Baldwin. By Simeon E. Baldwin. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1919.