Laura McEnaney is vice president for research and academic programs at the Newberry Library. She directs Newberry fellowships and research centers, public programs and adult education seminars, and teacher and student programs. She was previously professor of history at Whittier College, where she taught since 1996, after receiving her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison that same year. At Whittier, she taught a variety of topics in modern U.S. history, including war and society, women and gender, modern American social movements, and a survey course. Her book, Postwar: Waging Peace in Chicago, explores the notion of “postwar” as an important phase of a war’s history. She published previously on nuclear preparedness programs (Civil Defense Begins at Home: Militarization Meets Everyday Life in the Fifties), and on topics related to gender, foreign policy, and the Cold War. McEnaney also completed a three-year appointment as the Associate Dean of Faculty Development, which enabled her to launch Whittier College’s first faculty-centered teaching and learning operation.