Laura Hostetler is professor of history and director of the Engaged Humanities Initiative at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her work, including Qing Colonial Enterprise: Ethnography and Cartography in Early Modern China (2001) and The Art of Ethnography: A Miao Album of Guizhou Province (2005, with David M. Deal), focuses on intersections at the margins between cultural systems. She has recently completed a translation of the Qing Imperial Illustration of Tributary Peoples (Huang Qing zhigong tu) with Prof. Wu Xuemei of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law to be published in 2022. Her current project, Bridging Worlds: Reflections on a Journey, has taken her into the realm of creative nonfiction where she chronicles a quest for personal integration in a world where obtaining an education has too often become predicated on the ability to cut oneself off from aspects of one’s own inner knowing and lived experience. Having served in the capacities of chair, director of graduate studies, and director of undergraduate studies, she has developed a strong sense of the challenges that face emergent professional historians at all levels and is committed to fostering professional environments in which divergent voices can tell their stories and be heard.