
Tuning Participant


Alverno College

John C. Savagian is professor of history and associate dean of the humanities at Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His scholarship interests include American Indians and antebellum America. A recent essay, “Reconstructing a Life: Hendrick Aupaumut’s Return to the Historical Record” was published in the Wisconsin Magazine of History (Summer 2009). His interest in the AHA Tuning Project stems from his work, and the contributions of his history department colleagues, on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Over the past 20 years he has presented on teaching and assessing history, global citizenship, the importance of student self-assessment, and consulted with numerous colleges and universities in the United States and abroad on curriculum and assessment design. He just completed a semester as a visiting scholar at Lingnan University in Hong Kong (Spring 2012), where he helped the faculty refine and implement program and course outcomes. A relevant publication in that area is “Toward a Coherent Curriculum: Teaching and Learning History at Alverno College, published in the Journal of American History (March 2009). John also serves as vice chair on the board of the Wisconsin Humanities Council, and recently concluded a term as a peer reviewer for the Fulbright specialist program.