
Marketing and Engagement Manager


American Historical Association

Hope Shannon is the AHA’s marketing and engagement manager. In this role, she manages the AHA’s membership marketing, development, and advertising efforts. She joined the AHA staff in August 2020 as a researcher and was the coordinator of the Career Diversity for Historians Initiative from January 2021 to January 2022. Prior to joining the AHA staff, she was the executive director of the Urban History Association, a consulting public historian, and the executive director of the South End Historical Society in Boston. She has been working with cultural nonprofits and sites of history since 2008.

Hope earned her BA in history and archaeology from Boston University, her MA in history from Simmons College, and her PhD in United States history and public history from Loyola University Chicago. Her research interests include local heritage politics and the history of local historical societies and museums, and she has published on these and other topics with Arcadia Press, History NewsNew England Museums Now, the National Council on Public History, the Oral History Review, and Catholic Library World. She completed her archaeological fieldwork in Pompeii, Italy, and participated in excavations in Boston and Bermuda.

You can follow her on X (formerly Twitter) @HistorianHope.