
AHA President, 1982


Stanford University

Presidential Address

The Historian and the Study of International Relations


In Memoriam

Read In Memoriam in Perspectives, February 2006

Gordon A. Craig (November 13, 1913–October 30, 2005) was J.E. Wallace Sterling Professor Emeritus of Humanities at Stanford University. He was a member of the German Federal Republic’s Orden Pour le Merite fur Wissenschaften und Kunste, and winner of the first Benjamin Franklin-Wilhelm von Humboldt Prize of the German-American Academic Council (1999).


The second chance; America and the peace, by Gordon A. Craig, Gerhart Niemeyer, John B. Whitton … [and others] edited by John B. Whitton. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944.

The diplomats: 1919-1939, edited by Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953; Reprint, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.

The politics of the Prussian Army 1640-1945. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955.

NATO and the new German Army. Princeton: Center of International Studies, Princeton University, 1955.

From Bismarck to Adenauer: aspects of German statecraft. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1958.

The Battle of Königgrätz; Prussia’s victory over Austria, 1866. 1st ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1964; Reprint, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003.

From Bismarck to Adenauer; aspects of German statecraft, by Gordon A. Craig. Rev. ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1965.

War, politics, and diplomacy; selected essays, by Gordon A. Craig. New York: Praeger, 1966.

Europe since 1815, by Gordon A. Craig. 2d ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966.

World War I, a turning point in modern history; essays on the significance of the war, by Gordon A. Craig [and] others. Edited with introd. and conclusion by Jack J. Roth. New York: Knopf, 1967.

Germany, 1866-1945, by Gordon A. Craig. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.

The Germans, Gordon A. Craig. New York: Putnam, 1982.

Force and statecraft: diplomatic problems of our time, Gordon A. Craig, Alexander L. George. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983; 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.

The end of Prussia, Gordon A. Craig. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1984.

Deutschland und der Westen: Vorträge und Diskussionsbeiträge des Symposions zu Ehren von Gordon A. Craig: veranstaltet von der Freien Universität Berlin vom 1.-3. Dezember 1983, herausgegeben von Henning Köhler. Berlin: Colloquium Verlag, 1984.

Makers of modern strategy: from Machiavelli to the nuclear age, edited by Peter Paret with the collaboration of Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1986.

The triumph of liberalism: Zürich in the golden age, 1830-1869, Gordon A. Craig. New York: Scribner, 1988.

The politics of the unpolitical: German writers and the problem of power, 1770 1871, Gordon A. Craig. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Politics and culture in modern Germany: essays from The New York review of books, Gordon A. Craig. Palo Alto, Calif.: Society for the Promotion of Science and Scholarship, 1999.

Theodor Fontane: literature and history in the Bismarck Reich, Gordon A. Craig. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.