
Council Member, Teaching Division, 2004–07


Queensborough Community College, CUNY

Emily Sohmer Tai (PhD, Harvard University; BA, Queens College, CUNY) is an associate professor of history at Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York where she teaches the history of western civilization, women, and religion. Professor Tai is a former member of the American Historical Association Teaching Division (2004–07). During her time on the AHA Teaching Division, Professor Tai prepared numerous publications and presentations on community college teaching, and co-authored, with James Roth, Assessment in History: A Guide to Best Practices (Washington, DC: American Historical Association, 2007). She has also worked on rubrics linked to learning outcomes for the College Board’s Western civilization curriculum, and co-authored, with Regina Rochford, an article on the use of history curriculum to help students in developmental classes. Professor Tai currently serves on the Editorial Review Board of the American Historical Association’s monthly publication, Perspectives on History, and as contributing editor for The Community College Humanist, the tri-annual newsletter of the Community College Humanities Association. Her scholarly research, for which she has also received numerous grants, focuses on medieval Mediterranean piracy.