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Members Making News

On March 23, 2016, the National Endowment for the Humanities awarded $21.1 million in support for 248 humanities projects in 44 states and the District of Columbia. “NEH grants bring the humanities to life for Americans by helping preserve valuable cultural resources, advancing research, and supporting films and exhibitions that communicate the lessons of history and culture to new audiences,” according to NEH Chairman William D. Adams. 29 AHA members who received grants are named below.

Dialogues on the Experience of War: Marian Moser Jones; Susannah R. Ottaway

Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants: Anne Kelly Knowles

Enduring Questions: Thomas C. Devaney; Claire Bond Potter

Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions: Roger Horowitz; Neil F. Safier; Conrad E. Wright

Humanities Collections and Reference Resources: Sheila A. Brennan; Afsaneh Najmabadi; Gregory E. O’Malley; Jonathan M. Soffer

Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations Planning: Erin M. Greenwald

Summer Stipends: Jennifer Adair; Jeffrey S. Ahlman, Tamara Chaplin; Omar Cheta; Jennifer L. Derr; Eileen Mary Kane; Allison Madar; Kate Merkel-Hess; Neeti Nair; Julia Anne Osman; Julia E. Rodirguez; Mona L. Siegel; Kendra D. Smith-Howard; Rebecca A. Tuuri; Katherine R. Unterman; Michael Eugene Woods