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Action Alerts, Advocacy, AHA Announcements, History Education


State & Local (US)

AHA Topics

K–12 Education, Social Studies Standards, Teaching & Learning


United States

Dear Colleague,

Last week, I wrote to you about HB 1291/SB 1372, which would threaten the integrity of K–12 history education in Florida. Yesterday, the Florida Senate Rules Committee advanced the bill to the full Senate. It is now scheduled to move forward in each chamber. HB 1291 will be read for the second time before the House on Thursday, February 29, and we expect a final vote by the end of this week. The Senate may take action soon after.

The American Historical Association has sent a letter to both houses of the Florida legislature opposing the bill. We wrote, “SB 1372 establishes a mechanism for censoring classroom teaching and learning, and hence stands in stark opposition to academic freedom and true intellectual diversity. . . . Limiting the knowledge and intellectual horizons of Florida’s teachers in the ways proposed in this legislation would cause lasting harm to the future career prospects of young Floridians.”

How can you help?

  • Contact your representatives in the Florida House of Representatives and Senate to express opposition to the bill. Since the House and Senate are considering identical proposals, you can respond to the measure in either or both chambers. You can use the website Plural to find your state representatives and access their contact information, including email addresses. Feel free to adapt the AHA’s letter or craft your own.
  • Share your concerns with other people and organizations in your community, many of whom may prove eager to amplify support for honest history in public education.

If you have any questions about this proposed legislation or would like to request updates about its status, please feel free to reach out directly to Brendan Gillis, director of teaching and learning.

The AHA’s advocacy work is more critical now than perhaps ever before. If you believe in the importance of honest history education, please donate to the AHA’s Advocacy Fund to support our advocacy work.


James Grossman
Executive Director