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Members Making News

Congratulations to the 25 AHA members who were recently awarded grants by the National Endowment for Humanities. The grants were awarded “to support exemplary education, preservation, media, research, and infrastructure projects that expand resources for Americans, support humanities programs and opportunities for underserved students and communities, and deepen our understanding of our history, culture, and society.”

The AHA congratulates the following members:

Ayelet Brinn (Univ. of Hartford)
Flannery Burke (Saint Louis Univ.)
Michelle DiMeo (Science History Institute)
Averill E. Earls (Saint Olaf Coll.)
Christopher B. Ewing (Virginia Commonwealth Univ.)
Margarita Fajardo (Sarah Lawrence Coll.)
Christopher Michael Florio (Hollins Univ.)
Sarah Thompson Hines (Univ. of Oklahoma)
Edward Holt (Grambling State Univ.)
Catherine E. Kelly (Omohundro Institute)
Daniel E. Klingensmith (Maryville Coll.)
Brianna N.  Leavitt-Alcántara (Univ. of Cincinnati)
Jessica C. Linker (Northeastern Univ.)
Miriam Eve Mora (Center for Jewish History)
Lincoln Mullen (George Mason Univ.)
Barton A. Myers (Washington and Lee Univ.)
Sue Peabody (Washington State Univ., Vancouver)
Marissa Helene Petrou (Univ. of Louisiana, Lafayette)
Daniel Louis Schwartz (Texas A&M Univ., Coll. Station)
Debbie Victoria Sharnak (Rowan Univ.)
Hilary A. Smith (Univ. of Denver)
Walter C. Stern (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison)
Angela Sutton (Vanderbilt Univ.)
Megan S. Threlkeld (Denison Univ.)
Meng Zhang (Vanderbilt Univ.)