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Action Alerts, AHA Announcements

AHA Topics

Graduate Education


United States

Early Saturday morning, the Senate passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Because the House of Representatives passed its tax bill on November 16, the House and Senate will now designate members for a conference committee to reconcile the two versions of the bill.

As the AHA has previously reported, the House bill contains a provision that would make tuition waivers for graduate students subject to income tax, significantly increasing the tax liability of hundreds of thousands of graduate students. The Senate bill does not include that provision.

We ask AHA members to urge the conference committee to reject the House provision in the final legislation.

Please click here to contact your representative and encourage others to do so via social media. We have activated patch-thru calling in addition to automated email messages.

The AHA asked members to contact House members during the debate in that chamber. We did not ask you to contact senators because this issue was not under consideration by the Senate. But now is the time.

Conferees might be announced as early as today. Once they are, we will let you know who they are as soon as possible and reach out to our advocates in those key districts and states. Please stay tuned!

We will continue to keep you updated as the bill progresses. Thank you for your support.

Call or write your Members of Congress now.

James Grossman, AHA Executive Director