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Members Making News

2014 Lester J. Cappon Award

The editorial board chose Molly A. Warsh as the winner of the Lester J. Cappon Award. The award honors Warsh’s “A Political Ecology in the Early Spanish Caribbean” (October) as the best article published in the journal in 2014.

The annual best-article award is named in memory of Lester J. Cappon. Lester Cappon edited the Quarterly from 1955 to 1956, and again in 1963. He was the Institute’s first editor of the book program (1945–1954) and served as Institute director from 1954 until 1969.

2014 Richard L. Morton Award

For his article “‘Here is my country'”: Too Né’s Map of Lewis and Clark in the Great Plains” (October), Christopher Steinke has been chosen by the WMQ editorial board as the recipient of the Richard L. Morton Award for 2014.

The Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture’s Richard L. Morton Award recognizes a distinguished article by an author in graduate study at the time of final submission. Offered since 1986, the prize honors the founding editor of the William and Mary Quarterly‘s third series. Richard Morton was a respected teacher for forty years at the College of William and Mary and a leading colonial historian of his time.