Resources for Women Historians


Gender Equity in the Academic History Workplace: A Guide to Best Practices, 2005 has been designed by the CWH to guide decisions and inform practices of deans, department chairs, and administrators within colleges and universities and serve as a resource for all historians, regardless of their rank.

Gender Equity in the History Workplace: Best Practices, 2006 lists standards, which are intended to guide decisions and inform practices of administrators of public history institutions and offices and serve as a resource for all public historians.

Web Resources for Equity of Women Historians (DOC) includes categories discussed in the Guide to Best Practices, listed above, on Gender Equity Workplace Culture, Mentoring, Family Life, Perceptions and Evaluations, Recruiting and Hiring, and Assignment of Duties and Services.

The Status of Women in the Historical Profession (PDF) , By Elizabeth Lunbeck, May 2005 shares an overview of generational divides and the reproduction of discrimination.

AHA Statement on Affirmative Action, In January 1997, the AHA Council approved the Statement on Affirmative Action.

Best Practices on Spousal/Partner Hiring includes recommendations for the best practices that are intended to help obviate some of the risks potentially associated with appointments of spouses/partners.

Spousal Hiring Policies (DOC) includes links, from July 2008, to policies and information on Dual Career Couples, Nepotism and Partner/Spousal Hiring from a number of top graduate schools. 

Leave Policies (DOC) information, from July 2008, for students and faculty on leaves of absence, specifically listing available Family/Paternal Leave policies, from a selection of graduate schools.

Report on the Status and Hiring of Women and Minority Historians in Academia, 4th ed. Developed by the AHA's Committee on Women Historians and approved by the Council in 1997, the guidelines in this report provide statistics on appointments, tenure, and promotion. This edition also discusses salary issues and the status of minority women and men. 

Report of the American Historical Association Committee on Status of Women, 1970 (known as the "Rose Report") divided by links to 3 sections and 5 appendixes, this report examines problems of women as women and the listed recommendations are aimed at providing a more liberal, encouraging, and progressive atmosphere for all students and teachers of history.

Committee on Women Historians' 1980 Summary Report; a follow up from the “Rose Report” with fresh recommendations and ideas based on based on four principal sources of information: (1) the AHA records of women's participation in its various activities; (2) the results from the 1979 survey of history departments done by the AHA Professional Division, which covers a sizable and representative portion (about one-third) of the entire profession; (3) the 1980 report by the National Research Council (NRC) on Science, Engineering and Humanities Doctorates in the United States; (4) follow-up reports from the thirty colleges and universities that were surveyed in the "Rose Report."


Remembering the Rose Report by Noralee Frankel (Nov. 2010)

Gender across the Generations by Barbara D. Metcalf (Oct. 2010)

What the Data Reveals about Women Historians by Robert Townsend (May 2010)

History Mom by Gabrielle M. Spiegel (Oct. 2008)

The Status of Women and Minorities in the History Profession by Robert B. Townsend (Sept. 2008)


Additional Organizations

Coordinating Council for Women in History (CCWH) is an organization committed to exploring the diverse experiences and histories of all women.  Its primary goals are to educate men and women on the status of women in the historical profession and to promote research and interpretation in areas of women's history.