
Philippa Levine, Univ. of Texas, Austin, co-chair

Leisa Meyer, Coll. of William and Mary, co-chair

Marc Stein, San Francisco State University

Jennifer Brier, University of Illinois, Chicago

Susan Stryker, University of Arizona

Staff Contact

Debbie Ann Doyle, Coordinator, Committees and Meetings

Past Committee. This committee has completed its work and is no longer active.

Established: As a joint task force with the Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History in June 2009. Term ended in June 2013.

Purpose: To gather information about the concerns of LGBTQ members and propose concrete practical solutions

Membership: 3 AHA members, 2 CLGBTH members.

Assignment to Division: Reports on its work to the Professional Division.


Final Report

LGBTQ Task Force Final Report (2015)