
Laura McEnaney, Whittier Coll., Chair
Chris Boyer, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago
David Pace, Indiana Univ.
Nerima Rustomji, St. John’s Univ., NY

Staff Contact

Emily Swafford, Director of Academic and Professional Affairs

Past Committee. This committee has completed its work and is no longer active.

Established: 2019 (term 1 year)

Purpose: To provide meaningful support for the recognition of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in History as a scholarly endeavor and a means of improving the quality of teaching and learning in the discipline by: creating guidelines for the evaluation of SoTL as a scholarly contribution; developing other ways of highlighting the work of SoTL and integrating it into the curriculum and teaching practices across the K-16 spectrum, in graduate programs, and beyond the classroom; and building connections with ongoing AHA initiatives.

Membership: 4 Members: a representative from each of the three divisions and a member of the ad-hoc working group who wrote the SoTL guidelines. Chair and members appointed by the Council.

Assignment to Division: Teaching Division


Final Report

Guidelines for Historians for the Professional Evaluation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2019)