
Bob Bain, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Fritz Fischer, Univ. of Northern Colorado
Gail Hamilton, Bancroft Middle School
Geri Hastings, Catonsville High School

Staff Contact

Emily Swafford, Director of Academic and Professional Affairs

Past Committee. This committee has completed its work and is no longer active.

Established: 2015

Purpose: To serve as a clearinghouse of those knowledgeable about K–16 state standards and formal assessments to assist in review upon request. When appropriate, the committee will also commission reviews of these items in AHA publications. Reviews or reviewers will not serve as a formal endorsement by the AHA of these materials.

Membership: 6 members: two K–16 teachers, three academic historians with experience working on K–16 issues, and a member of the Teaching Division.

Assignment to Division: Teaching Division