
Edward L. Ayers, Univ. of Richmond, Chair
David A. Bell, Princeton Univ.
Peter K. Bol, Harvard Univ.
Timothy J. Burke, Swarthmore Coll.
James N. Gregory, Univ. of Washington, Seattle
Claire Bond Potter, New School
Janice L. Reiff, Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Kathryn Tomasek, Wheaton Coll., Mass.

Staff Contact

Seth Denbo, Director, Scholarly Communication and Digital Initiatives

Past Committee. This committee has completed its work and is no longer active.

Established: January 2014

Purpose: To explore the landscape of digital scholarship and online communication and to assess existing models for the integration of digital publications into the hiring, tenure, and promotion systems of history departments

Membership: 9 members

Assignment to Division: None. Reports to Council.


Final Report

Guidelines for the Professional Evaluation of Digital Scholarship by Historians (2015)