
Suzanne Marchand, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, chair
Julio Capó Jr., Florida International Univ.
Carol Harrison, Univ. of South Carolina
Rashauna Johnson, Univ. of Chicago
Linh Vu, Arizona State Univ.


Staff Contact

Liz Townsend, Manager, Data Administration and Integrity

Established: By the Constitution and elected by the membership.

Purpose: To nominate individuals to fill vacancies on all regular Association committees, subject to approval by the Council. The context for the Committee’s work is the Statement on Diversity in AHA Nominations and Appointments, adopted by the Council December 1990, revised in June 2001.

Membership: The Association’s president-elect is one of the five members and serves as chair.

Assignment to Division: None. Reports its recommendations to the Council.


Past Members