Past Committee. This committee has completed its work and is no longer active.
Established: 2018 (term 3 years)
Purpose: To advise the Editor on the best ways to pursue the mandate that “the AHR must take concrete steps to insure that journal practices and content better reflect the diverse nature of the historical profession, and be open to the many voices that constitute historical scholarship and professional dialogue today.” The committee will seek, in concert with the Editor, to address the following questions:
- What does equity and inclusion mean for the AHR?
- What sort of data should be collected about past practices at the journal?
- What sort of concrete steps should be taken going forward to enhance equity and inclusion at the journal?
Membership: Two members of the AHR Board of Editors, one member of the Research Division, and one additional member of Council. Committee members can continue to serve even after the expiration of their elected and/or nominated Council positions.
Assignment to Division: Research Division