There will be even more opportunities for intellectual cross-fertilization and conversations with colleagues at the 2019 annual meeting in Chicago, since the AHA and the Modern Language Association will both be meeting in the city at the same time.

As a reminder, the AHA and MLA will honor both conference badges at each annual meeting.

The AHA and MLA are pleased to announce this group of parallel sessions that will appear on both the AHA program and the MLA program. These sessions will have a broad interest for attendees of both the AHA and the MLA annual meetings.

The links below are to the sessions on the AHA program. The same sessions will appear on the MLA program in different time slots.


Parallel Sessions of the AHA and MLA

How Online Teaching Can Enrich Research, Improve Teaching, and Increase Enrollments: The University of California Experience

Spain, World War II and the Holocaust: History, Literature, Memory

The History of Financial Advice

Orientalism and Its Discontents: Rethinking Approaches to Islam and Islamic Studies in Modern Europe

How Do We Fix the Advising Model for Humanities PhD Students?

Funding Opportunities in the Humanities from Foundations and Nonprofits

Innovations in Doctoral Education: Building Strong Partnerships between Programs and University Leadership

The Black Chicago Renaissance: People, Texts, and Contexts

Stretched or Cropped Margins?: Annotation Studies between the Disciplines

Archives of Images, Archives of Texts: Comics As Sources for Historical Research

Nostalgia and Narrative after Charlottesville: Comparing Myths of Origins in the Middle Ages and American Civil War

Mindsets Over Skill Sets: Applying Humanities Theories and Methods to the Problems of Career Management (AHA Professional Division)

Humanities without Walls: An Experiment in Career Diversity Training (AHA Professional Division)

Diving into the Data: What the Numbers Say About the Careers of Humanities PhDs

There will be two sets of linked sessions taking place across both meetings:

New Narratives of Revolutionary and(Post) Revolutionary Haiti

(AHA) Part 1, Thinking within and without 1791-1804

(AHA) Part 2, Sovereignty, Diplomacy, and Citizenship

(MLA) Part 3, Writing (Post) Revolutionary Haiti in the Long 19th Century

Automation and the Humanities

(AHA) Automation and the Humanities: A Historic Perspective

AHA Sessions

In addition to the shared sessions, those traveling to Chicago for the MLA might be interested in the following sessions on the AHA program.

Black Auto/Biography and History’s Biographical Turn

New Perspectives on Black Women’s Internationalism

Writing Early Queer Lives: Authorial and Biographical Imperatives before 1900

“Academic Blogging Roundtable: Networks, Perspectives, Trajectories”

Tuning at Ten: Lessons We’ve Learned in the AHA

The Many Careers in K-12: What Working in K-12 Education Really Looks Like

Be Our Guest: American Hospitality and International Identities in the 20th Century

Collaboration and Doctoral Training: Professionalization, Career Diversity, and Public Engagement

DH in 3D: Multidimensional Research and Education in the Digital Humanities

Book Me: Critical Bibliography & the Cultural Uses of Printed Media to Construct & Contest Global Identities, 1700-1970

Reading, Writing, History: Students’ Literacy and the History Classroom

MLA Sessions

In addition to the shared sessions, those traveling to Chicago for the AHA might be interested in the following sessions on the MLA program.

Iberian Babel: Multilingualism and Translation in the Medieval and the Early Modern Mediterranean

Opera and the Sense of History

Emotional Arenas II: Domestic Spaces and the Politics of Emotions in Italian Cinema

Game the Name: Crafting the Title of Your Book or Dissertation

The People of the Book: Literature and Jewish Nationalism at the Turn of the 19th Century

Re-Visioning Anglo Representations of Native Americans and Native American Ethnohistory

Ethical Transactions in the Time of Slavery: The Moral Capital of Anti- and Pro-Slavery Rhetoric

Digital Futures of Graduate Study in the Humanities


Teaching the Global Middle Ages

Honoring Indigenous Homelands: Place-Based Learning in Native American Literature and History Courses

We are looking forward to collaborating and sharing this scholarship across both meetings!