Event Description
At this AHA Learn online event, David Blight, chair (Yale Univ.), Hasan Kwame Jeffries (Ohio State Univ.), Jane Kamensky (Harvard Univ.), and Whitney Barringer (AHA) will discussed the import and impact of the AHA’s newly-published report, American Lesson Plan: Teaching US History in Secondary Schools, with findings from the most comprehensive study of secondary US history education undertaken in the 21st century. AHA researchers appraised standards and legislation in all 50 states, conducted a survey of over 3,000 middle and high school US history educators, interviewed over 200 teachers and administrators, and reviewed thousands of pages of instructional materials from small towns to sprawling suburbs to big cities. The resulting report presents empirical evidence and rigorous analysis to inform current debates over how history is taught in our schools.
The webinar has been recorded and made available on our YouTube Channel after the event.
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June 1, 2020 - July 1, 2021