Chris McNickle
Michael Les Benedict, for his long-time service as AHA parliamentarian
Daniel McInerney, for his essential role in the AHA’s Tuning initiative—a multi-year, faculty-led project to articulate the disciplinary core of history and the skills that student should have at the completion of their degree.
Thomas Rugh, for his invaluable work as a member of the AHA’s Finance Committee.
James Billington, for his 24 years as the Librarian of Congress, during which time AHA members have benefited abundantly from his leadership and contributions
Arnita Jones, for service as AHA executive director (May 1999-August 2010), as a vigorous proponent for the community of historians in a wide range of institutions, and as first director of the National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History
Anna Nelson, in recognition of her efforts on behalf of public history
Roy Rosenzweig, for service as vice president of the Research Division (2003-05)
Linda Shopes, for service on the Committee on Women Historians (1995-98), on Council (1999-2002), and co-chair of the Task Force on Public History (2002-06)
Stanley Katz, for service as vice president of the Research Division (1997-2000); on the Committee on International Historical Activities, and as chair of the AHA’s Task Force on Intellectual Property (2001- )
Albert Beveridge, III, for service as pro bono legal counsel of the AHA, on the occasion of his 10th year
Page Miller, in recognition of 20 years as executive director of the National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History (now called the National Coalition for History)
David Trask, for service on Council and the Teaching Division (1995-98), as contributing editor to the Teaching Column in Perspectives (Sept. 1996-Sept. 1998), and as author of the “Statement on Excellent Classroom Teaching in History” (1998)
Joseph Harris, for service as founding chair of the Committee on Minority Historians, created in 1990 largely upon his initiative (during his tenure, the Wesley-Logan Prize was created and funded and the Diversity Within America pamphlet series was initiated)
Willie Lee Rose, in recognition of the 20th anniversary of the Rose Report (the informal name for the Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of Women in the profession, which documented widespread sex discrimination within history departments and within the AHA)
Boyd Shafer, for service as AHA executive director and AHR managing editor