Established through a bequest from John E. Fagg, who taught Latin American history at New York University from 1945 to 1981, this prize was conferred annually from 2001 to 2010 for the best publication in the history of Spain and Latin America.
Award Type
Established through a bequest from John E. Fagg, who taught Latin American history at New York University from 1945 to 1981, this prize was conferred annually from 2001 to 2010 for the best publication in the history of Spain and Latin America.
Maria Portuondo, Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World (Univ. of Chicago Press)
Stuart Schwartz, All Can Be Saved: Religious Tolerance and Salvation in the Iberian Atlantic World (Yale Univ. Press)
Laura Gotkowitz, A Revolution for Our Rights: Indigenous Struggles for Land and Justice in Bolivia, 1880-1952 (Duke Univ. Press)
Sabine MacCormack, On the Wings of Time: Rome, the Incas, Spain, and Peru (Princeton Univ. Press)
David Weber, Bárbaros: Spaniards and Their Savages in the Age of Enlightenment (Yale Univ. Press)
Brian Catlos, The Victors and the Vanquished: Christians and Muslims of Catalonia and Aragon, 1050-1300 (Cambridge Univ. Press)
Aline Helg, Liberty and Equality in Caribbean Colombia, 1770-1835 (Univ. of North Carolina Press)
Laurent Dubois, A Colony of Citizens: Revolution & Slave Emancipation in the French Caribbean, 1787-1804. (Univ. of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Inst. of Early American History and Culture)
Richard Turits, Foundations of Despotism: Peasants, the Trujillo Regime, and Modernity in Dominican History (Stanford Univ. Press)
Daryle Williams, Culture Wars in Brazil: The First Vargas Regime, 1930-1945 (Duke Univ. Press)
Jorge Canizares-Esguerra, How to Write the History of the New World: Histories, Epistemologies, and Identities in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World (Stanford Univ. Press)
The AHA brings together historians from all specializations and all work contexts, embracing the breadth and variety of activity in history today.