Submissions Are Closed

Award Type

Award for Scholarly and Professional Distinction

In 1984 the AHA Council established the American Historical Association Award for Scholarly Distinction to honor senior historians in the United States.

According to the selection criteria, recipients must be senior historians of the highest distinction who have spent the bulk of their professional careers in the United States. Generally, they must also be of emeritus rank, if from academic life, or equivalent standing otherwise. Under normal circumstances the award is not intended to go to former presidents of the Association; rather, the intent is to honor persons not otherwise recognized by the profession to an extent commensurate with their contributions.

The Committee on Honorary Foreign Members and Awards for Scholarly Distinction will serve as the jury and will recommend up to three individuals for approval at the Council’s spring meeting. The committee consists of the president, president-elect, and the immediate past president. The honoree(s) will be announced at the Association’s annual meeting.