Statement of Purpose: The society is dedicated to the study of the history and evolution of all aspects of the built environment—its creation, maintenance, and management. It is a forum for scholars and professionals in the field to share, meet and exchange ideas and research. Membership is open to a wide range of construction related disciplines involved in the planning, development, design, and construction of buildings and engineering infrastructure, in addition to those concerned with their operation and preservation. Members share a passion for examining how our existing structures were planned, designed, and built, with the purpose of using this knowledge to better preserve what we have and to guide us in determining future directions. The US branch of the Construction History Society is a distinct entity catering to the historical studies and interests of its members in North, Central, and South America. Membership in the US branch includes full benefits in CHS at large including receipt of the society’s Journal and newsletter and links to scholars in the field worldwide.
Peter Hilger
Univ. of Minnesota
Treasurer and Chair Emeritus
Brian Bowen
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Executive Director
Melanie Feerst
Updated 2/25/22