The American Historical Association maintains postal address mailing lists of its members and institutional subscribers that can be rented to send materials of genuine professional historical interest. Three lists are available:
- Individual Members: 11,000 names, selected by state or historical area of interest
- History Department Chairs: over 700 names, selected by state or highest degree awarded
- Libraries and Organizations: almost 100 addresses, selected by state
- Labels are for mailing materials of genuine professional historical interest, and the AHA reserves the right to refuse orders.
- A sample mailing piece should be submitted with all orders. If final copy is not available, a reasonable facsimile is acceptable. Failure to include a sample mailing piece may delay receipt of the order.
- All labels are furnished on a rental basis for one-time usage and may not be copied or reused by the purchaser, or any other party. Each set of labels will contain decoy names to detect unauthorized usage. Labels are deduped in advance, and mailer is responsible for payment of all labels supplied at the completion of the order by AHA. There will be no deduction in cost for edit errors, bad zips, or panders. Mailers cannot reserve the right to deduct labels for mailing at a later date.
- The American Historical Association name should not be used in connection with the mailing.
- The mailing list is delivered electronically as a tab delimited or .csv file.
- Additional categories, including principal employment and academic rank and position, are available upon request.
- E-mail address lists are not available.
- Please allow two weeks of preparation time. All payments are net 30 days from the date of invoice (no broker’s discounts).
- Fill out the form below and we will contact you with further details.
Base Price: $280 per list
Selection Fee: $40 per category
Price/1,000 labels: $130 (price determined after final order is submitted)
Contact Information
For questions and to send sample materials, contact:
Membership Department
American Historical Association
400 A St. SE
Washington, DC 20003-3889
(202) 544-2422
Fax (202) 544-8307
Mail payment to:
Mailing Lists
American Historical Association
PO Box 347214
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-4214