The Basic Issue

The comments above point to the conclusion that future international security arrangements will have a distinct effect upon some of the military policies, including obligatory training, adopted by the great powers. At the present time, these arrangements are all tentative, so much so that no hard and fast conclusions can be drawn from them. They indicate that the great states are all prepared to keep themselves in a condition of considerable military strength for the future. The nature and extent of this strength, at least in the matter of armaments, may be decided upon by mutual agreement. When this is done, the basic military policies of each can be determined in the light of these commitments and in accordance with the general political atmosphere which prevails.

This brings us back to the point that the international political aspect of the problem is the one of paramount importance. Collaboration of these three giant powers, with due regard for the rights and interests of their smaller neighbors in the international community, is an indispensable basis for any future peace. The military policies of each will be in large part determined by their relations with each other and by the obligations which they have jointly and severally undertaken. This collaboration is the lever which will push the world toward peace or toward future conflict.

From EM 21: Shall We Have Universal Military Training? (1944 Censored)